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This user profile has been marked with a content warning:

All of this can be reviewed on my main profile page!


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Favorites FoldersGeneral Rules / General Notes
  1. Awesome Characters!! - Characters that are not for sale and that I don't wish to own end up here! Just a collection of cool characters I've seen while wandering around Toyhouse. If I favorited a character of yours and they're not for sale, in a sales folder, or in a purge folder, they've been added to this favorites folder!
  2. Commission Ads - Commissions Reference Sheets that I found that I'd like to keep on hand for when I get some money in to toss at other artists!
  3. Codes / Assets - Profile codes and other assets I've found that I'd like to keep on hand in case I need them, or codes and other assets that I've used.
  4. Dreamies - Only characters for sale, in a sales folder, or in a purge folder are added here. I occasionally go through and clean out the folder to respect the new owners.
  5. Wishlist - Only characters for sale, in a sales folder, or in a purge folder are added here. Just a collection of characters I'd buy if I had the money, though not at dreamie level. I occasionally go through and clean out the folder to respect the new owners.
  6. Friend's Characters <33333 - The folder my friends' characters go into when I favorite them!
  7. Featured Characters - The folder my own characters go into when I want to feature them on my page!
  1. Tracing / Recoloring / Copying - Do not trace my art, recolor my characters, or copy my characters in any way. You may take inspiration, but you cannot copy.
  2. Kinning / Hearting - I have seen this point on other people's profiles and it does make me uncomfortable. Please do not kin or heart my characters.
  3. Inactive Appearance - I build my characters off-site with my friends. If a profile appears to be inactive, it isn't. I also tend to hyperfixate on both characters and franchises, so this also affects how quickly a character is built.
  1. General Rules - I do RP! My rules can be found here.
  2. Faceclaim - You are not allowed to use my characters as a faceclaim for your characters. Along this same line, you are not allowed to write my characters in rps or use them as your profile pictures.
  3. Discord - My public discord is sinestrosmuses if you prefer discord for writing. I will eventually have a Toyhouse RP Thread profile when I get around to setting it up.
Hatespeech / KYS Messages
I do not, under any circumstances, tolerate or condone "KYS" type messages or any form of hatespeech on my or other's pages.
You want to say shit like that to me? Do it to my face. In person. Look me in the eyes and speak. If you wouldn't say it in person, don't do it online. Being online does not change the power your words have. Being online does not protect you from consequences.
The only reason why hatespeech or a "KYS" message may be on my page or characters is because either I had not noticed it yet or I am in the process of reporting it. Once the report clears, the comment will be deleted.


Trading - TipsTrading - Seeking
  1. Species - I enjoy felines, canines, and equines primarily, heavy emphasis on felines, but I'm not limited to just those three species.
  2. Colors - I tend to lean more towards warm color schemes and dark-toned color schemes. I do have the occasional boldly colored, light colored, or cool colored character though.
  3. Designs - I tend to lean more towards natural-themed designs for the species, but I'm not limited to just natural-themed designs. I also like anything with space motifs. I'm also a fan of fandom-themed characters. I also enjoy the occasional over-the-top, pleasingly super busy, unrealistic colored/patterned designs too.
  4. Other - If you have any other questions, feel free to ask. I may also end up adding it as a note here as well if I feel it'd be a common enough question that would need to be added.
  1. A Canis Lumen and a Lanther, preferably both with some shade of yellow/gold glow marks, cool or neutral dark bases, though I'll take any dark colored character of these species with glowing marks. Also clumped these two together on the same bullet point bc I'm looking for roughly the same thing for both.
  2. Carsona (2019 NASCAR stock Chevy Camaro ZL1)


Character Content Warning

This character profile has been marked with a content warning:

WARNING: A lot of Flame's universes deal with animal abuse(Flame was abused by a human scientist for "science") and the resulting mental effects on her because of the abuse she endured. All universes have a warning for Canon Typical Violence; at what level violence is shown depends on which universe Flames in(ex: simple no-blood violence in Pokemon, but anywhere from a few drops to a pool of blood for a series like Supernatural or FNAF). If a universe is not listed, it is to be assumed to have the same warnings as Mainverse + the series the universe is set in(ex: if GLverse is not listed, it is to be assumed to have the same warnings as Mainverse on top of Green Lantern canon typical violence). Specific warnings for each universe below:

Flame’s Mainverse deals with animal abuse, experimentation on animals, and the mental illnesses resulting from being the subject of such experiences. These include; Depression, Anxiety, Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Mild Psychotic Depression, Nightmare Disorder, Insomnia, and possibly more if other mental illnesses match Flame’s symptoms. Topics of violence and slight to mild gore may also come up, either as talking or in fights. This warning also applies to all verses split off of Mainverse’s timeline. 

Mainverse Split:
This verse delves deeper into the topics Mainverse does, though because of Flame’s recent escape from a second lab she was being experimented on within the walls, it’s much worse. Many of the topics are exactly the same as Mainverse, as Main Split is, as the name suggests, a split from Mainverse.

Mistaken Identity: 
This verse is set within the walls of a lab where Flame is being experimented on. She’s fearing for her life, but still somewhat retains her wild persona from before she was captured by her creator’s brother, mistaken for a ghost. Many topics that Main and Main Split cover are covered much more in this verse. Events in this verse may be lightly touched on in Main Split.

Pre-Stepdown is heavily centered on (species)racism, murdering of a certain species, eating that of which is not prey(targeted species), violence, and gore. Pre-Stepdown is not nice at all. She’s cold-hearted, cares little for others unless it benefits her somehow(unless it’s a rare case of love), and will kill a human without a second thought. Flame hunts humans as if they were prey for a next meal, and in some cases said hunted human is her next meal. Carnageverse covers the same topics, on top of Canon Typical Violence for the universe.

All Lantern Themed Universes:
Lanternverse has a looming element of death since Flame is running low on her ring charge and she is a part of the Red Lantern Corps. If Flame removes her red ring, she dies, but she doesn’t know that. You are not allowed to forcibly remove her red ring OR trick her into removing it. This is technically killing my muse and it will only happen if plotted. The only exception to this is crack threads.
Lanternverse will verbally touch on events in Pre-Stepdown if asked, because this is split off of Pre-Stepdown, but doesn’t like to, as she realized her mistakes and wrongs done and regrets them. This includes all other lantern-centered universes as well, as they're all drawn from Pre-Stepdown.

Alphaverse heavily relies on a fake religion. Alphaverse is the only version of Flame left as of this moment that is highly religious. Though she is so religious, she is still respectful of other’s beliefs. This verse also touches on border fights, animal-on-animal violence, infighting, hunting of prey animals, humans hunting main characters for sport, and general violence and natural elements. Alphaverse has Flame constantly in a so-called “Alpha Mode,” while Lanternverse is a runner-up and only challenges lead with those who are so obviously more experienced than her.

SPNverse covers all topics in Mainverse and Pre-Stepdown combined but shifted. Instead of hunting humans, Flame is hunting the supernatural. Demons took her wings, and she wants revenge. All warnings for the series Supernatural apply to this universe.

[Verses to be updated later, when I can sort through things lmao]

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