Kimiko Joue (Cure Patches)



4 years, 5 months ago


Kimiko  is the leader of her team. At first none of the other Cures know who  the other is. Kimiko is 6 in human form, 16 as Cure Patches. Kimiko is a  very empathic young girl who struggles with her emotions but tries to  hide it. She does her best to stay positive and cheer other on.  She loves sweets and will often try to cheer others with sweets.  

She is rather mature as Kimiko and responsible. As the older  sister to a 3 year old sister she has to be the grown up since her  mother passed away and her father is doing his best but works long  hours.

As Cure Patches she often comes off as childish and  immature. She is playful and has a hard time taking anything serious.  She however give really good “advice” even though most the time its just  her honestly asking a question that is so obvious that it ends up  helping. She is the kind of person who looks for the simplest answer and  loves helping others. Her team mates often end up having to look after  her since shes a bit clueless.