


4 years, 5 months ago


He chooses not to speak.

To communicate, he creates holographic looking symbols and words between his horns. He sucks at sarcasm, obviously...

Chaotic Evil~

He has the inability to scar and regens quickly from wounds.

He is really good at manipulating others, despite his strange way of communicating. The words he displays causes a calm in those who look at them. The calming effect works on those who can't read, but he can't convince them to do specific things unless someone else reads the words to them. The calming isnt a form of hypnosis, so people dont just follow his words. They just feel like they can trust him, especially if he spends time with them and interacts with them.

His voice however, has the complete opposite effect (why he doesnt like speaking). When he speaks, people become tense and weary. His voice can send chills down a person's spine.

He is affiliated with the cult of the Rykuvus (ARGP), but hasn't joined himself. Being the manipulative chaotic evil character that he is, he goes around convincing people that are down on their luck to join the cult. He knows the chaos that comes from the cult and enjoys watching it all unfold.