


4 years, 6 months ago


Name: Hunter Wild
Age: 36
Height: 6'0
Family: Mother and Father
Friends: Vincent and Norman and Faith
Relationship: Married
Childhood: The past life for this poor boy deserves nothing but hugs. He was born as a regular rabbit but before he was born he was given steroids while still in the womb where at the young age of two he had the power to break things with his mind. Hunter was a very shy child and loved his mother very much. His father wasn't in the picture as he was a working scientist who believed his son would be one of the main sources of FUEL to hide their work. Not only could Hunter break things turning them into shattered pieces like glass breaking, he made false set ups. An example would be a two way mirror, he could see the scientists but they never could see him. Hunter grew up in a play room with Vincent and other kids of his age. He was fast, third in line due to his small figure as a child, but he was also very agile. Not as agile as Vincent who used his monkey tail and basic flipping abilities to climb things faster than Hunter could hop. Vincent and Hunter always hated each other due to the fact Vincent was a stubborn child who only shared if it meant saving the little guys. Vincent saw Hunter as a force to be reckoned with and never asked to fight with him. Hunter grew up in the hospital research facility until he was one of the ones who helped destroy it and free the others. Vincent is now is boyfriend and they both are the protectors of their city. Hunter never uses his powers to hurt people but he threatens them to a point they know he could shatter them without moving a muscle. His eyes are a dark purple that seem almost black, but he is very kind of his boyfriend and enjoys playing music with him. they fight about stupid things bu in the end Hunter loves that stupid monkey.