Drawmancer (Darwin Mason)



4 years, 5 months ago



Name: Darwin Mason

Aliases: Drawmancer

Gender: Male

Age: Young Adult


  • Physical Description:
    • Darwin is a medium-height, reasonably slim, man, with hazy black hair, and dark brown eyes. He has dark bags beneath his eyes and mainly puts on a neutral expression since his face is constantly under a mask. 
    • He wears a green overcoat, with blue and brown accents and pale beige lining along the outfit. The green jacket covers a faded off-white buttoned undershirt. His face is covered with a pale beige mask, with indents that accent metallic blue highlights. Laying on his hair are goggles with green lenses. An orange handkerchief is either tucked around his neck. or tied in an ascot. A brown leather belt surrounds his waist, with a silver buckle. He wears brown jeans and tan shoes. He optionally wears his detachable metal robotic attachments.
  • Personality & Bio:
    • The Drawmancer is a loner who barely ever communicates through words. On rare and urgent occasions, he mainly communicates through vivid creations, as he is notorious for being an imaginative inventor. He can create devices that seem otherworldly or unexplainable, such as his robotic limb attachments that can seemingly be controlled through telekinetic abilities. It is unknown where he manages to obtain such magical power with his design, and he isn't too keen on sharing it with the world.
    • He ventures out, exploring various lands and collecting any knowledge he can. He tries to live in anonymity throughout his journey, as he believes he could be hunted for his notoriety. During these adventures, he also collects various scraps and objects. He hides his face with a mask from strangers and when he's out in the public eye, to prevent any shady people from discovering his identity. He only has it off around individuals he deems close and comfortable to be around.