Solomon Diodato



4 years, 6 months ago


Solomon Alexander Diodato

Born: January 22nd, 1856

Age: 101 (Died in 1957)

Height: 6'4"

Orientation: Heterosexual

Star Sign: Aquarius

The longest lived Diodato, Solomon is the father of Christopher Diodato (Richard's grandfather)
No one is entirely sure HOW Solomon lived for so goddamn long, especially given his abrasive and arrogant nature.

Solomon was NOT the head of the Diodato family at any point.
He sent his children to America as a chance to expand and as a back-up plan in case his sister failed the family as he expected she would.
She didn't.
Now there are two branches of the Diodato family, one in Italy, and the other in the United States.
Christopher remained good friends with his cousins despite his father and aunt not getting along in the slightest, meaning the two branches remained in contact.
Current timeline, the two branches really only interact for business reasons, but they are willing to take bigger risks for each other than they would with other allies.

Despite being exceptionally arrogant, snarky, abrasive, and fiery, he had some very odd soft spots.
As a child, he seemed to attract birds and eventually started keeping doves. When he was a teenager he started spending more and more time in the garden, specifically fussing over the flowers. His older sister would frequently try and piss him off, but could only seem to do so if she damaged his flowers, or hurt one of his birds. In which case he would try to fight her, and she would easily kick his ass. Belle was built for strength, Sol was built for speed.
As an adult, he was denied second in command, Belle instead opting for their younger brother Angelo. It was Angelo's son who took over the family after Belle's untimely death.
Solomon was unbothered by Angelo's kids taking over, he was just happy Belle's son didn't get the role.
Solomon's older siblings questioned whether Solomon was even straight for years, doubting that he actually loved his wife Rita, they only bought it when Robert was born.

Rita was vaguely offended by Belle doubting their marriage, having been her best friend for years before she had even started dating Sol.

Solomon has at least four siblings, from oldest to youngest:
Nico, Belle, Solomon, Angelo, and Narciso.
I sat at least for two reasons: 1) His father wasn't a faithful man and 2) This far up the tree is somewhat subject to change.