Content Warning

User Content Warning

This user profile has been marked with a content warning:


  • you hate ANYONE for their race/gender/sexuality! yes, this includes white cishets! hating or bullying someone for something they cannot control about themselves is really fucked up, regardless of their "privilege".
  • you are proudly a MAP, a misogynist, a Zionist, a terf/radfem, racist, LGBTQ+phobic, anti-semetic, ableist (this includes using the r slur at all!), or pro ship! this is kinda an extension of the first one but yk
  • you are under 18 and a complete stranger! if we're already friends then it's chill, but I'm 20+ years old, and not really comfortable with minors trying to befriend me ^^;
  • you ONLY draw gore! occasional and/or pastel gore is fine, but I have an extremely severe fear of blood, and I don't want to send myself into a panic just from looking at your account.
  • you primarily like yandere/"stalker" characters! I have trauma and it makes me extremely uncomfortable to see stuff relating to that, including original characters and medias.
  • age gaps! I believe, as long as everyone in a relationship is 1) a legal adult, 2) consenting to the relationship, and 3) NOT related, that they're allowed to be in a happy relationship with each other! also I'm attracted to older people more often than not
  • polyamory! I myself am ambiamorous (I am comfortable being in both polyamorous and monogamous relationships), and this carries over to my characters! obviously not all of them are gonna be in poly relationships, or even relationships at all, but it's something to keep in mind.
  • kinning! I kin for neurodivergent reasons, and though I don't talk about it very much, it's definitely a big part of my life and who I am.
  • self shipping/OC x Canon! I fall in love with fictional characters all the time, and sometimes my response to this is to make a character (that sometimes represents myself!) to ship with them.
  • slurs! I do not say them often, but I am a queer person, and will sometimes say related slurs. I will never say a slur I cannot reclaim.

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