


7 years, 9 months ago

Basic Info


Artemis [Artemy Yahontov]


Genderless (he/him)


Ageless. Has always existed


Infernal Leader


otherwordly humanoid being


Artemis is the complete opposite of Apollo, meaning he is a more empathetic and merciful being. Artemis is also extremely pious, though he never specifies his object of worship. Many Infernals over time have joked that he's most likely castrated, since he acts like a nun. He has a weak spot for humans, and is always trying to befriend them. All of them. At once. Artemis is the type to always smile and be friendly to others, no matter what his true feelings are, which can be reassuring as well as dangerous.


Very long ago on a different plane of existence there existed a genius professor called Antares who was known for his controversial experiments. His students were a dedicated and loyal group, many were defensive of their professor's questionable actions, claiming he was brilliant. After a botched attempt at creating life that nearly plunged their world into peril, Antares was ripped in two as punishment for his actions, and tossed to the world below to live among his failed experiments. His class disbanded, the students were heartbroken at the loss of their teacher. The two halves, known as Artemis and Apollo, wandered across the desolate world and eventually found each other- but were unable to reconnect. Artemis quickly accepted his fate to forever be 50% of himself, but Apollo never quite got over it. Eons passed, and the world soon teemed with varying types of life, including the doomed experiments of Antares. Artemis and Apollo found they had very little in common with eachother and silently agreed to keep to themselves. Frustrated and without guidance, the jaded students of Antares picked up where their teacher left off and using his research they discovered a way into the world he was banished to.