


4 years, 6 months ago

Basic Info










Gay Disaster


Tattoo Artist


Art, birds, grunge, piercings, basketball, food, sleep, sex


drama, depression, snobs, anxiety, no sleep


Ash is pretty chill or at least on the surface. His voice and looks scream relax, when really he anxiety mess. Constantly struggling with anxiety (and sometimes depression) that had form from negative experiences in the past, as well as his horny nature. "

Ash grew up in a non affectionate household, pretty normal besides lack of hugs and I love yous. Ash found out his sexuality pretty early, being easily pushed into a sexual relationship with a teen a couple years older then him at age of 12/13. The relationship wasn't a great one, having to keep it secret while having rough sex and then being manipulated into doing things he was uncomfortable with. Ash bout loosing his mind, realizing he had to do something with help of his best friend Lucas, gather courage to break up with the guy.

However this ended up with whole school learning he was gay, with awful rumors behind it that made him seem like a creep. This wouldn't have been so bad if the news didn't spread to his parents, leaving Ash homeless and helpless at age of 16 in matter of few days. He dropped out of school and was struggling to find a job and a place to stay. Even going with older strange men for one night stands for place to sleep.

His depression skyrocketed, and a year with little contact with his best friend and going from one bed to another.. he found himself on bridge. This is where he ran into kind owner of tattoo shop in town. He talked with Ash, and offered him to stay with him and his fiance at the time. Ash on last leg just accepted.

They helped Ash work on his ged, rekindling his knack for art. He found a fast food job, to save up money until he was old enough to try earn a tattooing license. Ash made time to meet up with Lucas as well, and worked his ass off to get where he is.

Ash now works at the same shop the guy who took him in owns, feeling as if everyone that works there is family to him. He even got Lucas a job there, as a piercer. He also is on a basketball team, that was from a horny desire to be close to Barrett. Who surprisingly to Ash didn't reject him when he confessed to him, and now in a loving relationship.


Ash can't go long without sex, it drives him crazy.

Ash still struggles with anxiety and depression from time to time however its a lot better than when he was a teenager.

Ash somehow gets himself involved with a lot of gay drama, even though he doesn't want it. =v= His ex still pretty possessive..

Ash drew his own tattoos but had someone else put them on him.

Has piercings on his nipples, lip, ears, nose, and recently on dick.

Does stupid shit with Lucas all the time, like joining basketball team without any desire to do so just because coaches were hot : I least that one turned out good.

Ash tends to speak before he thinks, smart tongue usually gravitates trouble.

Ash is one of the shortest on the team, but likes to outsmart other players to support the others on the team.