Solo Kipp and Strurm ([Camp HEX Alt])



3 years, 3 months ago


!!In an alternate universe; the info here doesn't necessarily correspond with the main character profile!!

Names: Solo Kipp and Strurm

Aliases: Solo Cup, Straw (Mainly by Hexagon Block), Solo (By most others)

Place: 4th; Season 3.

Species: Red Solo Cup with Pink Toxic Fluid, and Blue Bendy Straw.

Genders: Male

Mental Ages:  Solo: 20, Strurm: 20


  • Personalities & Bios:
    • After being brought to the new world through a mysterious encounter with a portal, Solo joins Camp HEX without understanding what he has in store. Throughout his time at Camp HEX, he persevered through the challenges and different forms of Hexagon Block. But as he goes through it mentally drains and scars him to see everyone he's accompanied with disappear one by one. Despite this, he tries his best to continue with the camp, mainly so he can live for his friends, and help defeat the bowtie. 
    • Solo's bottled-up emotions and emotional turmoil had led him to violently and outwardly express his rage towards Octavian, lashing out towards said hexagon form. This violent outburst immediately made him regretful, and he was scared to be around his peers as he might lash out at them. Throughout the rest of his HEX career, he continues on mentally drained, scared, yet still determined. That is until he finally joins the rest of his friends in elimination at 4th.
    • Strurm has stayed emotionally stagnant throughout HEX, as he usually became the brains of the challenges and instructed Solo to carry out his plans. His ideas with Solo's cooperation allowed them to persevere for a long time in the camp.  
    • When HEX 3 finishes and everyone is freed from the bowtie's curse, Solo and Strurm are nowhere to be seen. And as of the current date, their location is unknown.