Abbadon (The Jeweler)



4 years, 5 months ago

Basic Info




Name Abbadon
Age 20
Height 5'6"
Build Slim
Race Mirn
Gender Male
Orientation Gay
Role Jeweller
Tail Needletail


The Jeweller

Abbadon, or Abby as most of the residents of Sunrise call him, is a jeweller and furniture maker who is well known across the basin. He specialises in intricate custom items, from delicate jewellery and carved ornaments to larger pieces that can span the entire width of a moderately sized room. He has also never been known to turn down an order no matter how outrageous. In those instances he usually accepts payment only after completing the piece to the commissioner’s satisfaction. He also works on pieces with his father and can usually be found crafting beautiful hilts and crests for the weapons and armour the older Mirn sells.

He has an incredible eye for detail and is very dedicated to his work. On the flip side though, when left to his own devices, he usually tends to fall into his own world if there isn’t anyone there to pull him back. He adores nature and frequently takes inspiration from the life around him for his work. His favourite place around Sunrise is Storm Lake and Thunder falls. He says watching the water always relaxes him and gives him a different perspective. As much as he would love to travel and see the other villages around the basin, he usually finds himself too frightened to actually go through with it. So up till now, he has never left Sunrise despite his intense desire to do just that.


  • Anything Shiny
  • Glim seeds
  • Inventing things
  • Making jewellery and sculptures
  • Long walks


  • Being called Abby
  • Shouting
  • Dark places
  • Cruelty
  • Being treated like a child / ignored



Simply put, Abbadon is a lovable airhead. He is a sweet soul who loves to explore everything. He can be somewhat shy and easily scared, becoming flustered and stumbling over his words when he’s put on the spot. But he always finds his way to the end of whatever he was trying to pass across if it’s important. Despite this he is a very courageous bean and will work past his fear to help animals and Mirn alike if they need it.

He also has a reputation for causing trouble in Sunrise, but what most people fail to mention is that most of that trouble is unintentional. He has a seemingly uncontrollable urge to act impulsively whenever his curiosity is piqued, like you’d expect of a child. Because of this, when he’s out and about he often gets frequent reminders to be careful and watch out for things; which he doesn’t particularly care for because it makes him feel like a child. Especially when paired with everyone calling him Abby despite his frequent protests.

As clumsy as he can be though, he excels at tasks which require a lot of patience and attention to detail, like making jewellery or sculpting intricate figurines, both of which he loves to do. When he is working his entire focus is dedicated to completing his project and he can work for hours without a break. There was some concern when he initially set up his shop, but that soon died down when people saw just how beautiful, and useful, the items he created were. His unending curiosity also make him somewhat of an inventor. He has been known to make unique and beautiful gadgets that can usually be found adorning his home.


Abbadon is the only son of one of the blacksmiths in Sunrise. Right from the first time he could walk, he displayed an almost obsessional interest in anything shiny; a trait which made him perfectly at home in his fathers workshop. He spent most of his days working with his father as he grew up, starting off with simple tasks, like deliveries and inventory, before graduating to helping him with the more delicate metalwork he did when crafting armour and weapons for the warriors in the village and beyond. He grew to love working with his father, showing an exceptional skill with the more delicate design-work that went into the commissions they received.

As he got older, he always seemed to find his way into trouble without meaning to, the most notable of which was when he managed to singlehandedly topple an entire row of market stalls just before one of the bigger festivals in the village. How exactly this happened is anyone’s guess and though he was able to help get everything set up again just in time for the start of the festival, other villagers are usually weary whenever he is around. Despite this, he could usually be found going about his business with a smile even if he did notice how the other villagers acted around him.

When he was old enough, he decided to open his own shop. It was a combination of a smithy and a woodworking shop. He focused his efforts on creating intricate jewellery and ornaments, delicate carvings and custom furniture for other Mirn. Within only a few months, he had built a name for himself across the basin and though he still had to deal with the occasional slightly condescending comment from some of the Mirn in Sunrise, he had effectively carved out his niche and earned the respect he had been craving since his younger days. Nowadays he can usually be found in his workshop working on projects he feels would benefit other Mirn in their daily lives. He is never scared to experiment with the projects he works on and he had developed a myriad of curious tools he uses in his endeavours.`



Charisma 40%
Kindness 100%
Temper 5%
Integrity 100%
Courage 80%
Humor 75%
Self-control 20%


Attack 10%
Defense 30%
Magic 70%
Resistance 10%
Speed 70%
Stealth 30%
Stamina 60%


Health 90%
Confidence 45%
Intelligence 100%
Manners 60%
Optimism 55%
Luck 90%
Resourcefulness 60%

Skills & Abilities

Skill Name

ekjnflwdncirlfnrf je lirjnfiewfk e ifkelfi3f iufneknflei ifneiwlnf3lf ijn3lfnr3loifnr.

Skill Name

ekjnflwdncirlfnrf je lirjnfiewfk e ifkelfi3f iufneknflei ifneiwlnf3lf ijn3lfnr3loifnr.

Skill Name

ekjnflwdncirlfnrf je lirjnfiewfk e ifkelfi3f iufneknflei ifneiwlnf3lf ijn3lfnr3loifnr.


ekjnflwdncirlfnrf je lirjnfiewfk e ifkelfi3f iufneknflei ifneiwlnf3lf ijn3lfnr3loifnr.





Misha is a charming and charismatic Mirn who loves to give and recieve attention. He bumped into Abbadon during one of his long walks to Storm Lake and instantly took a liking to the quirky Mirn. When they're together, he always gives Abbadon his full attention and he's the one person that Abbadon doesn't seem to mind calling him Abby.



Character Name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse a felis molestie, porttitor est eget, euismod mauris. Integer fermentum est vitae dui pretium fermentum.



Character Name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse a felis molestie, porttitor est eget, euismod mauris. Integer fermentum est vitae dui pretium fermentum.



Character Name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse a felis molestie, porttitor est eget, euismod mauris. Integer fermentum est vitae dui pretium fermentum.
