Sterling Diodato



4 years, 4 months ago


Sterling Silva Diodato

Born: 1906

Age: 76 (Still around in Jess's story set in 1982)

Height: 6'1"

Orientation: Aromantic, Heterosexual 

Star Sign: ??????

The son of Christopher, and Richard's older brother Sterling Diodato is known by the whole family as a mad man.
And yes, his father did give him the middle name Silva because of the material Sterling Silver.
Sterling loves it. He goes by the nickname Silver, but there are a few joke nicknames the family has given him such as:
Sliver, Starling, Stark, and Cashew. (Because he's stark raving mad, and nuts.)

He's constantly tinkering with something, most of the time devices that can be used in the basement for torture purposes.

When Bonnie was a kid, he did occasionally make toys or silly things... like a Frisbee made from a pancake and resin.  (Inspired by: )

Otherwise, he spends his time digging through the family history and recording anything and everything there is to know about the Diodatos.

Eccentric, odd, and oblivious to social cues, Sterling was never really interested in leading the family, but humored his father by listening to him and following his direction.
That is until he was nearly killed in a targeted attack which scared the hell out of him.
Sterling quickly expressed disinterest and fear toward being the next head of the family, and passed the crown to Rich, which came as no surprise to Chris.
He has no issue with doing dangerous things, he would just rather die by his OWN hands than anyone else's.
After he came home from a business trip and found his wife pregnant, he divorced her immediately and temporarily resented his cousin Terry.
He has no interest in finding anyone else, and raised Bonnie himself, despite Jill wanting to split the responsibility.
His nickname for Bonnie is Spark, as she is a spark of light in his life.
"You are the only good thing that came from that marriage kid."

My headcannon voice for him is Peter Brown from Shoptime, especially his laugh when things go unexpectedly.
He also reacts in much the same way Peter does, calm, a bit surprised, and slightly amused. Example:

His Scars:
The scars around his eyes come from a project of his shattering from too much tension put into it and flying back at him. Fortunately his goggles saved his eyes.

There are many scars on his hands from working with his projects bare handed.