


7 years, 9 months ago

Basic Info


Hayagawa Megumi


18 Years


Female ♀ | She/Her


August 11th | Leo


5'0" | 153 cm


101 lbs. | 45 kg


Heterosexual | Panromantic






[ Docile | Sociable | Chatty | Polite | Diligent | Naive | Soft Headed | Self Indulgent | Overly Sensitive | Easily jealous]

►୮Sociable | Chatty」
Always talkative and eager to meet new people, most would describe Megumi as quite the social butterfly. When she was a little girl, Megumi was constantly exercising her social skills by talking the ears off her fellow classmates and teachers. In her childhood though, many of the children would push her away and found her to be really annoying since the girl couldn't ever seem to keep her mouth shut, but overtime Megumi kind of matured and learned how to be a bit more pleasant to be around. Now, Megumi picks up hints on who wants to engage in a friendly chat and who doesn't and is much more polite and mature than she was as a child.

►୮Diligent | Polite」
At work, Megumi tries her hardest to show the best qualities in herself by being obedient to the demands of the cafe's customers and those above her. She works hard in hopes to see the smiling face of a satisfied customer. She also shows excellent manners in the work place since she really wants to be liked by her coworkers. Though despite being a hard working and polite waitress, she does often have slip ups and struggles in dealing with difficult customers.

►୮Easily jealous 」
Due to her first best friend Momoka ending their friendship to hang out with a new crowd, Megumi often worries about her friendships ending over them becoming more interested in someone else. She will even become a bit paranoid or jealous when she sees one of her friends paying more attention to another person that isn't her or somebody she's familiar with. Megumi has been told by others before that she has some jealousy issues, but she doesn't really want to acknowledge it.

►୮Self Indulgent | Naive | Soft Headed 」
Megumi has a really hard time saving up money since she burns cash quickly on expensive items for her own pleasure; such as fashionable clothing, jewelry, and sometimes make up. She can also be quite an dumb girl and often gives in quickly to offers from greedy salesmen who try swindle her for money. Overall, Megumi is not the type of person to put her money to good use since she is a shopaholic and isn't the brightest bulb in the box.

►୮Overly Sensitive 」
Megumi is also a really sensitive person who tends to take offence to comments easily. If somebody makes a joke that is even the slightest bit teasing, Megumi's feelings will get hurt and she'll be bothered by the comment all day. The reason that she is so sensitive is because negative or teasing comments remind her a bit of the past experiences with bullies that she has had.

Even in her childhood, Megumi has always been very compliant towards those who are older than her as she believes that being higher in age makes you a wiser and more experienced person. She would always be extremely obedient in school and would always abide by the orders and rules given to her by her teachers. Even if she really doesn't want to, Megumi will follow the demands and directions from her elders and manager since she trusts them to give her guidance. She is most definitely not the type to be a good leader, but she does make a fantastic follower.

[ H O B B I E S ]


୮Bird watching」Megumi's grandmother was the one who had gotten her interested in birds as she had owned two cute finches and a parakeet that Megumi had adored. Megumi began to grow interested in birds as she found their appearance to be very unique and pretty. She often would find herself enjoying the sight of birds in their natural habitats more which led her to take up bird watching. Megumi grows super excited when she see's a new type of bird and records her sightings in a journal.

୮Playing video games」 Megumi really loves to spend hours playing video games, but she tries to avoid ones with mature content and violence. Her favorite game to play is pokemon and her teams are normally filled with more cutesy looking pokemon rather than ones that are tougher looking. Her favorite pokemon is Chansey because she thinks it's chubbiness is super cute.

୮Shopping」 Megumi loves spending time at shopping centers to throw away her cash for luxury items. She prefers having nobody with her when she shops since she tends to take forever and hates being told to hurry up. Her favorite type of stores to shop at are clothing stores and book stores.

୮Watching videos on the internet / Surfing the internet」 Most of Megumi's free time is wasted on the internet. She loves watching videos with small animals doing cute things and following fashion blogs.

୮Reading」Megumi's favorite reading material consists of cheesy romance novels, books about fashion design, and girly magazines.

୮Photography」Her photography skills aren't the best, but she really does love capturing a moment with some snap shots. Megumi's favorite subjects for photos are birds and other animals that she finds to be cute.


[ S T R E N G T H S ]


She is very open to working with other employees.
She's not argumentative at all with customers and other employees, very compromising and agreeable.
She's very set on making sure the customers are comfortable and happy.
She has good communication skills and is very well mannered.


[ W E A K N E S S E S ]


She has a hard time dealing with rude or inappropriate customers. 
She tends to let her emotions effect her work performance.
When stressed, she can become quite clumsy and scatterbrained.
Being a pretty sensitive person, Megumi does not take criticism well at all.