


4 years, 5 months ago


"Delivery! With some extra love, too~"


methodical . idyllic . sensitive . gullible

◆ Name Ophelia
◆ Species Udroid
◆ Age N/A (Appears 19)
◆ Height Unknown
◆ Weight Unknown
◆ Pronouns She/They
◆ Orientation Pansexual
◆ Occupation Udroid Messenger
◆ Specialty Data Transmission

creator 「Lumaerix
About Ophelia


Ophelia is an Udroid specifically designed to be able to deliver messages as fast as she can to other Udroids or anyone who requires the service of an Udroid. Her creator was an old, kind woman who worked in the field of communication, so it is no surprise to know that Ophelia was created in an effort to effectively continue her creator's job after she had retired. Ophelia tries her very best to continue to keep people informed about important events and situations, and is fond of spreading good news in particular.

Currently, Ophelia continues to work as a messenger between Udroids and humans alike, while also acting as a source of entertainment, comfort and news for her creator, who is in her older years. Ever since she has been aware of the existence of Noxdroids, Ophelia has always been a little more on the edge regarding what messages she delivers and between who, and even sometimes checks for any suspicious data she might be told to carry. Though she dares not attempt to go near the Noxdroids herself, Ophelia is a useful asset against them due to her ability to send multiple warnings quickly.


  • Travelling
  • Being organized
  • Dancing
  • Caring for people
  • Memorabilia

  • Noxdroids
  • Horns getting stuck
  • Destruction
  • Perverts
  • Lies


Aisu | Good friend」

Though their personalities completely contrast, Aisu and Ophelia have met quite a few times before, and they get along surprisingly well when they do. Ophelia will often visit to deliver memory drives for Aisu's expeditions, to allow her to remember more on her ventures, in which case Aisu will always express her gratitude through the form of telling Ophelia about the latest new exciting fact she discovered. While Ophelia is more reserved with the idea, the two of them love to talk about adventures, and have promised to go on one together one day.