


4 years, 6 months ago




Age??? (23 by appearance)
Role in MiitopiaMiddle Fab Fairy
  • Cedar, Former Elven Guardian (Father, passed away)
  • Dahlia the flower (Mother, passed away)
  • Violet (Eldest Sister)
  • Jasmine (Youngest Sister)
HomelandRealm of The Fey
PersonalitySweet, shy, polite
LikeSinging (the best singer among her sisters!),dancing, small mammals (especially cats), salad, healthy food, flowers, Spring, picnic in the forest
DislikeBeing talk behind their back (sadden), her family's death (sadden), ghost, strange noise, dangerous forest (like Bigg Forest), being called weak
Theme Songs

The Gentle Grace

Gerbera is the middle sister of The Fab Fairies. She is a shy and reserved one. Her kindness and gentleness won hearts of the fab fairies fan. Despite of her kind and sweet look, she had got her sadness deep inside of her heart.

She had already been sadden by her parents' death in her childhood. And when she and her siblings became the guardians, some of the elves didn't trust on the sisters. They looked down on the Fab Fairies that they won't be do the best guardian duty as well as the father of the fab fairies did. This devastated Gerbera so much. Luckily, she had got her big and little sisters support her by her side. They had took some of time to do their best jobs to built the reputation for the elves and flowers.

Gerbera sometime thought that she is the weakest of the sisters. However, she met a traveling hero during the Dark Lord quest. He was inspired Gerbera to be brave. As an elven retreat guardian, she is trying to be brave and will not let her sisters, elves, and flower people down.

Violet, who is the most mature and bravest of the sisters, has got a little anxiety deep inside. She wondered if she will be kicked out of the guardian position since she failed in the Dark Lord mission and failed to save her little sister Jasmine from him. She had been get through from several intense moment.

She is a sharpshooter and able to counter monsters with her magic arrow at the time when they try to attack the victim.