Salmon Korite


Basic Info


Salmon Lance Korite






Confident, Go-Getter, Tomboy


Squid Hairclip, Zekko Hoodie, Pro Trail Boots


The Reef Sharks (Leader)


Splat Sports Star, Ammo Knights Employee (part -time)


Flounder Heights, Sailfish Spire

Creation Date

August 3, 2015


A bright, young Inkling from a small town outside Inkopolis. After first hearing about the rising popularity of the Ink Games sports scene, she packs her things to strike out on her own in the big city. It doesn't take long before she convinced her childhood friend, Gabriel, to move there and partake as well. Salmon and Gabriel start training together as what would eventually become the Reef Sharks, Salmon's team of close friends and comrades.

After entering her team into one of the more advanced Turf War competitions, the War Games, she comes face to face with the reigning champions and their coach. Krakenkrieg, consisting of Artemis, Juno, Celeste, and Kyoki are competing in the War Games as per usual, with their coach, an old man named Oberon Miyazaki. Salmon begins to see Krakenkrieg as less of an enemy and more of a friend, as she becomes closer with their team captain, Kyoki. It later gets out that the two are dating, causing social turmoil among the public. 

The night before the final round of the competition is to take place, Salmon and her team were invited to the Depth Charges, an award ceremony dedicated to celebrating Ink Sport achievements throughout that year. The Reef Sharks took home 3 Depth Charges, Best Rookie Team, Best Highlight, and Breakout Player. After which, Krakenkrieg invited the team to a huge house party, a customary practice for attendees after the Depth Charges, which they went to. Salmon, Asagi, and Kyoki left the party early, leaving their teammates behind, to have a more quiet downtime in Krakenkrieg's penthouse. 

With Salmon and Kyoki keeping busy, Asagi was left to his own devices. In a shocking and horrifying scene, Asagi was shot by Miyazaki from across the room, and full on attacked. Kyoki jumped up to try and defend his friend, but was swiftly knocked unconscious. Salmon hid in Kyoki's room in fear for all their lives. In a final act of desperation, everyone ended up on the roof of the building, Miyazaki with a firm grasp on Asagi's hair, Kyoki crawling towards the weapons shed, and Salmon tied to a pipe on the back of the shed. Kyoki managed to subdue his coach in a last ditch effort to save everyone, by jumping on his back and trapping his neck with his Inkbrush. After pulling his brush back, they all fell to the ground, everyone unconscious but Salmon, who could only watch in horror. 

If it weren't for Krakenkrieg's Artemis, who left the house party early to visit his late fiance's grave, Kyoki and Asagi would've bled out along side Miyazaki. Artemis was able to call an ambulance out to get them, and Salmon, Asagi, and Kyoki were all airlifted to a hospital.

Salmon and Asagi made full physical recoveries, but were psychologically scarred forever. Kyoki was put into a coma to give his body more time to recover.