Kirstina Yang



4 years, 9 months ago

Basic Info


- She used to be myself

Fact 2:

- Her nickname is KJ

Fact 3:

-same age as Chris

Fact 4:

-She always has a hammer all time to defend herself from Shadowder Minions

Fact 5:

-She's a witch who only use her singing voice for magic spells but unless she think she is

Fact 6:

-She always hate people fighting each other and especially one of her friends, Chris who will end up fighting somebody when he really piss off so she used her hammer to hit chris in the head to knock him out but not anybody else.

Fact 7:

-She's the first female friend of Chris, Suwa, Satow and Ayashi before the group met Olivia who is chris' long lost twin sister

Fact 8:

-She knows all about her friends' sad and trauma past so does her past as well but herself and her friends always keep it a secret to herself and her friends unless they're brave enough to tell their new friends about their past


Name: Kirstina Yang

Age: 16 

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Fear: Pyrophobia (the fear of fire)

Orientation: Straight Ally

Relationship Status: Single

Ability: Singing Witch's Voice

Family: None
(her entire family died in burning house caused by unknown entity named Jaala)

Goals: Save all of multiverses from Shadowbers (Main), Find the entity who killed her entire family (Main) and be popular singer in Forcalus (Main)

Bio: WIP