Naya Nouvelle



4 years, 5 months ago


Basic information 

Name: Naya Nouvelle

Day of Birth: February 21st

Nickname: Lady Anah, Nin
Age: 44
Gender: Female

 Sexuality: Bisexual

Fears: Death, being in love, heights

Height: 5'8
Personality: Naya is very wise and 
knowable; she is actually kindhearted despite coming off a little cold and hard to reach on a personal level. She can be very hard to read but if you've been around her for a very long time, you'd see that she acts a little weird which she doses on purpose to mess with people, she is quite the character. She especially likes to mess with her little brother Naga, she knows how much he hates her when she doses which is all the more enjoyable for her. For someone such as herself she is spiritual and believes in the supernatural, she loves it when others show interest in her beliefs but doesn't like it when others try to shatter them, Naya is respectful of others' opinions and beliefs so when she feels attacked Naya will not take it well.

Likes: Gardening, winter, crystals, shiny things, 
romance, tea, reading

Dislikes: Seeing others struggling, loud people, summer,

Relationship Status: Single 

job: A healer

Something she'd say:

History: Naya is the first born of the noble family Nouvelle, her and her family however aren't like normal nobles they travel around with tiled of nomads attached to them. They do this to protect themselves and so they can follow what they believe in. When she was born at the time her mother Reha and her father Huburt lived in the big city of the winter lands {town name}, they did everything you'd expect from a noble family, they kept their territory under control keeping the order and peace, until one day they made a sudden decision to leave their home and travel around and give others their aid. Naya didn't know why this had to happen she was pretty happy, but she'd later find out it was because of a dangerous group that were after their great healing abilities. Naya was just a toddler back then and doesn't have much memory of her winter home, as she grew up always on the move, she soon learned to love it but every so often they will retune home, along with other family members so they could do their secret ceremony that only happens once every 20 years. While on the road Naya would soon meet a boy named Kald, they were just kids at the time, but they hit it off well and become friends quick, every time Naya came to visit, they would always hang out there was never a time he missed her. When they were teenagers, they began to grow feelings for each other. Not long after they started realizing it, they soon became a couple, Naya and Kalde were perfect for each other she understood him and he understood her, it seemed like nothing would get in the way of their relationship. However, something would bring their relationship to an end, up till they were in their 20s Kalde would do something that broken her trust and left him, she hasn't spoken to him since then. They pretty much avoid each other anytime either of them was in the same area, to this day they still haven't cleared up their issues. Many years went by, and Naya has had a good life, now older Naya still travels around while her mom and dad stay home, she wanted to continue what her parents started and so that's where she currently stands, she happily spreads her wisdom and her healing abilities to whoever is needing it.

Her voice: Barbie as Rapunzel - Gothel reveals the truth to the king Wilhelm & Frederick - YouTube


Ability information

Family music type: ZENIT - YouTube