


4 years, 5 months ago


Bought for $80-$120 (cant remember exact price) from Sindonic on DA.

A demon that was conjured by some highschoolers messing around with satanic summoning circles on Halloween. They used candy however instead of actual sacrifices for the rituals and the shoddy work did create a demon, but it birthed one that was super weak compared to any other one. The demon was like that of a small feral toddler and immediately escaped out into the woodlands nearby where it terrorized the nearby town. It attacked and killed and used the bodies of varrious farm creatures and animals it came across to survive for Seven years alone in the wild. Until one day a strange tall figure with long white hair came to the village to help solve the demonic activity..

Marco is a very tall and lanky, but well built individual with a long and twisted tail. He's more human like than any demon that's been known so far due to him being raised by human like entities. He has the usual physical strength and regenerative/semi immortal powers demons typically have, but as far as any special abilities or combat skills.. Marco has the same battle strength of a newborn. He's never had to fight in a battle (especially not one to the death) and his only abilities known so far is to summon candy at his whim. The candy is super delicious but also a bit tart and tastes like strawberries usually, but Marco can change the flavors depending on his mood. (though he can only make candy the same colors as he has on his body strangely..) Marco also has a very light coat of hair covering his body (think like the small hairs humans have all over but his is a bit more noticeable) and his markings go skin deep too like a tiger's stripes. He often keeps himself well groomed and enjoys getting brushed and cleaned by his lover and baking/cooking buddy Jinx