madison (questionnaire)



4 years, 5 months ago



First Name: Madison

Middle Name: Alexandra

Last Name: Lennox

Alias/Nickname(s): Maddi (Nickname, prefers it over her actual name)

Gender: Female

DOB: June 27th

Age: 16

Species: Human

Place of Birth: Adelaide, South Australia

Nationality: Australian

Race: Black

Occupation: None

Abridged Backstory: -


Skin Colour: Dark mahogany

Hair Colour/Length/Style: Pink (originally dark brown), Medium, Usually in a messy bun or ponytail

Eye Colour: Brown

Approx. Height: 6'2 (188 cm)

Approx. Weight: 180 lbs (81 kg)

Body Type: Slightly bulky/muscular build

Clothing Style/Favourite Outfit(s): Any combination of hoodies and basketball shorts/sweatpants. Typically wears light coloured clothes.

Other Markings: Tons of freckles, a few scars on varying parts of her body.

Detailed Physical Description: Madison has a round 'baby' face dotted in freckles. Her skin is dark and covered in freckles, along with a few scars from accidental injuries. She has a round, average sized nose and full lips. Her eyebrows are on the thicker side, and she typically is covered in bandaids and gauze due to her clumsiness.


Character Alignment: Chaotic Good

Disposition: Optimistic

Quirks: Almost always tired, speaks loudly, overly exaggerates hand gestures when talking

Passive or Aggressive: Passive, but can come off as aggressive due to her mannerisms

Positive Character Traits: Friendly, charismatic, energetic, outgoing, selfless

Negative Character Traits: Clumsy, loud, lazy, impulsive, no-filter

What (mentally) Drives Them Forward: Her hopes of going to a good athletics college

What (mentally) Keeps Them Down: Her constant procrastination and laziness

Biggest goal/dream: Making a career out of her talents in football, tennis or American football

How they're going to achieve it: Constant practice, staying on sports teams, applying for colleges

Worst fear/nightmare: Suffering a serious injury that'll disqualify her or otherwise disable her

How they try to avoid it: It's hard for her to avoid it, but when she does get injured she makes sure it gets treated immediately.



What fascinates them the most: The outdoors

What they care about the least: Reading, or anything that requires a lot of mental focus

Bile Fascination(s): Technology. She 'hates' it, and doesn't understand it, but spends a lot of time on her phone or on game consoles and blames it on 'using it to talk to friends'.

Phobia(s): Claustrophobia, Glossophobia (fear of public speaking), Gamophobia (fear of commitment)

Irrational fear(s): She's unreasonably scared of birds. That's it. Nothing else, just birds.

Moral beliefs/disbeliefs: Lying is awful. Even if it hurts someone's feelings, you need to be honest. She thinks that nobody is owed respect. She also believes that revenge is almost always justified.

Dream Job: Professional football player

Likes: The colour pink, vaporwave aesthetics, dogs, flowers, any checkered patterns, sunny days, sleeping

Dislikes: Anything overly sugary, people taller than her, birds, rain


Things they just can't do:


They failed an important test:

They got everything they wanted for their birthday:

They stepped in something yucky:

They got into a fight with their best friend:

They disappointed someone they look up to:

They baked a cake but accidentally dropped it on the floor:

They were dealing with a bully:

They confessed a dark truth:

They tried to lie about Something Important:

They were accepting an award in front of a huge crowd:

They found out the Wi-Fi (or other life necessity) wasn't working:

They were playing a game that they just can't win:

They were offered food that they didn't like:

They didn't like their friend's outfit:

They found out that someone was better than them at their special talent:

They found $100 on the street:

They found out they had only a week left to live:

They directly caused someone's life to be significantly worse:

They were forced to make a split second decision between saving themselves and saving someone else:

They got to meet their favorite celebrity:

They got rude service at a restaurant:

They missed an occasion they were looking forward to:

Their car (or other life necessity) got stolen:

Their beliefs were challenged:

Someone confessed to them about a dark truth that could break them if anyone found out:

Someone close to them died:

Someone they didn't know/like confessed their love to them:

Someone was annoying them:

Someone tripped in a public place:

Someone had them at gunpoint:

Someone kidnapped someone close to them: