


4 years, 5 months ago



Name [eng] Everett Aspen
Age 22
Name [jpn] Makoto шка
Birthday Nov. 18
Gender Male
Race Johtoian
Trainer Class Breeder
Occupation Trainer/Researcher-in-Training

  • Psychic Types
  • Scrambled Eggs
  • Everything Pokemon related
  • Being alone
  • Blogging/journaling

  • People
  • Receiving compliments
  • Horror movies
  • Beaches
  • Human doctors (pokemon vets ok)

Height: 190 cm / 6'3"

Weight: 88 kg / 194 lbs

Everett is tall and somewhat muscular, with sun-tanned skin from always travelling. Notably, he has multiple scars on his body from interacting with wild or scared Pokemon; he always goes out of his way to make them comfortable, safe, and calm--moreso than others would deem safe. His right eyebrow has a sliced scar over the middle. He has clawed scratch scars on the right side of his neck, left arm, right pectoral, and left leg. Deep bite marks are on his right forearm. Finally, a large burn covers his right leg.

He has messy, sandy blonde hair with two short braids. His keystone ties one of the braids. He usually wears comfortable travelling clothing, including thick hiking boots. In Galar, he wears large fireproof gloves to handle his Raboot, who cannot control his firepower.


Everett is very very serious and reserved. Upon first glance, he seems even scary because of his (usually) frowning face and the multiple scars that cover his body. He's also really traditional and modest, adding on to his taciturn, standoffish image. While he is indeed an aloof person who generally keeps to himself, the truth is he finds humans much harder to talk to than Pokemon. Throughout his life, he always preferred Pokemon to people. He can't read his own emotions, and thus Pokemon (particularly psychic types, who can tell how he feels without him having to read himself) understood him much better than others.

Everett still doesn't particularly know how to speak to other people, and as a result he comes off mean/rude because of his candor and apathy. His emotions are mostly stifled to maintain a stern look, so that he doesn't appear weird to others. (He does anyways.) And due to his conventional upbringing and views, he's often surprised by things that challenge these views, leading to his classic flustered look.

He doesn't care a lot about other people or their opinions, but he has a huge heart when it comes to Pokemon. He's unrivaled in kindness and empathy he shows them. In his travels, he's been used as kind of a Pokemon-whisperer because he's so excellent at calming or placating Pokemon. This involves, however, getting close to riled 'mons--hence the scars.


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  • Everett's childhood/best friend is Falkner, Violet gym leader.
  • All his Pokemon are named after mountains in Japan.
  • He specifically studies Pokemon individuality (i.e. natures, characteristics, IVs, EVs).
  • Everett is kind of a mountain man on the low. He really likes to camp and stay as far away from other people as possible; hence his big backpack.
  • He's so traditional. Honestly. He always wears yukatas at home and doesn't like when women don't accept his chivalry.
  • He runs a blog detailing his travels and research.
  • Everett doesn't dislike any Pokemon, but his least favorite type is fire (burns hurt).
  • Everett has never lost a Pokemon (died). He is also very good at nursing Pokemon, having learned as a child.
  • CV: Suwabe Junichi