


4 years, 5 months ago


酸素郎 石胸

Name Ishimune Sansoro
Age 16
Alias Oxide
Nationality Japanese
Gender Male
Quirk Oxidate
Height 178cm / 5'10"
Weight 77kg / 171 lbs

  • Junk Food
  • Arcade Games
  • Dancing
  • Skinship
  • Swimming
  • Forests
  • Energy Drinks

  • Clothes
  • Monkeys
  • Falling Asleep
  • Coffee
  • Handwriting
  • Disney Movies
  • Cooking

Sansoro is a tall, unkempt teenage boy with broad shoulders. His skin is tanned, usually with at least a healthy flush due to his body heat, and with slight freckles on his face and shoulders. He has light gray eyes and dark markings going down his cheeks from his lower lashline. Sansoro's previously sandy brown hair was lightened due to quirk overusage and is now ashy blonde. He tries to tie it up, and sometimes pulls his bangs back too. It's very messy and choppy due to his own hairdressing skills. His default expression is a large, goofy smile--showing off his sharp canines.

While he rarely has scars or cuts, Sansoro's skin stands out for the pulsing veins and arteries. Particularly prominent on his neck and torso, these are due to his quirk's heavy blood flow. He has learned to tone it down on his face--mainly because people have told him it's disturbing--but they'll definitely appear if he is focusing on something. They get pretty visible near his eyes, especially if he has been using his quirk for a while. When he cries or gets upset, the veins on his face become really pronounced and it's kinda gross.

He attempts to wear the normal uniform, slightly unbuttoned (because he's hot) and with both sleeves rolled up. His only additions are the braces on his wrists that are essentially ice packs. They work to keep his temperature down while doing daily tasks. After his 1st year sports festival, it was recommended that he wear a compression shirt to cool his body and control/restrict the blood flow of his torso area. So now he wears a dark blue sleeveless shirt underneath his uniform and hates it.


+ courageous, selfless, optimistic, charismatic, free-spirited

= straightforward, confident, decisive, sensitive

- tactless, inconsistent, reckless, impatient, stubborn

Sansoro immediately comes off as a carefree and easy to get along with boy. He's somewhat of a jock-type who enjoys easygoing competition and activities that get the gears turning and the blood flowing (literally)! While he may appear a bit too eager to some, he generally attracts people with his extroversion. People who don't know him are inclined to think he may have ulterior motives when he goes out of his way to speak to people--particularly those who are shy. And while that may be the case sometimes, the truth is that he honestly wants other people to feel comfortable and confident. As someone who was shunned almost his whole life, he knows firsthand the loneliness and isolation that may come with a quirk.

Although he might sound very nice and caring, his benevolent philosophies don't always work in practice. He tries his hardest but he often seems to be quite rude. He'll approach people and then ignore them, he'll only pay attention to whatever has his interest in the moment, and he'll always say what's on his mind. His earnestness may be an attractive trait in theory, but in the mind of someone as unperceptive and hasty as Sansoro, not. In addition, his thoughts travel almost as fast as his blood. This leads to his almost childlike behavior and inability to focus--even when he is the one who initiates conversation. He's usually playful, but a bit too rash, so he ends up unintentionally insulting people. And though he tries to avoid getting involved in conflict, he's rather easily riled.

Sansoro appears to be confident, but nowhere near the point of arrogance. However, even if he is as self-assured as he seems, he's got a squishy side--especially when it comes to his quirk. He's not so critical of himself regularly, but if someone were to point a flaw out, he becomes rather conscious of it. As he is a person with a very easy-to-read mood and somewhat infectious disposition (which usually works in his favor because of his positivity and passion), his attitude change from an insult or critique can be felt by others. Sansoro, who is typically a leader among his peers and is great at inspiring others by means of flashy quirk displays or determined words, suffers greatly by taking things personally. It is a bit good in that case though that he's so simple-minded; sometimes he won't even realize something's an insult!

Overall, he's a spirited young man with a penchant for bold but not well thought-out actions. He may be a bit too cheeky and unrefined, yet he always has the best for other people in his mind. Simply put, he just wants to be loved by other people. His methods aren't too sure, and though he's mostly light-hearted, but he takes hero work seriously; it's the only sure way in his mind to become popular with everyone!

Flaws : over-confidence, rashness, hypersensitivity (to himself), insensitivity (to others), singing

Talents : public speaking, dependable, optimist, beating women apparently

Alignment : Chaotic good


  • Before he started using his quirk (ie hero training) he was probably more conventionally handsome. Now his veins pop out of his skin.
  • Sansoro's hair grows at an extremely fast rate and he has to cut it himself every morning (b/c of all the oxygen flow to his head when he sleeps). Hence the choppyness of it!
  • His body type, if he doesn't use his quirk at all, is pretty average. However, he's always--mostly unconsciously--using his quirk.
  • He is a dancer outside of school, primarily hip-hop!
  • He lacks any fashion sense. At all. Literally seen in a bathrobe most days.
  • From growing up in a mostly rural area, he sometimes says some bumpkin-y things. (ill localize as like...y'all)
  • He hates monkeys and never wants to see one in real life.
  • He's also always hot.
  • Because of that, he loves cold weather. However, when it's cold outside, it actually doesn't affect his internal temperature that much.
  • Everything he does is because of his quirk-- ex. too hot? Because of too much energy production from his quirk. Hungry? Because of too much energy use from his quirk. Looks freaky? Because of excess cell growth and mutation from his quirk.
  • He likes to make his own choreography, but he sucks!
  • And he likes vocaloids! What a loser!
  • His favorite food is any kind of barbeque.
  • His favorite drink is alcohol. Don't tell.
  • Sansoro's ability names are very...simple. He's just not that creative.
  • Bites his nails. It's actually a good thing, though, because they'd grow too fast otherwise.
  • Sometimes if he dreams really wildly he'll wake up with an extra finger or a horrible stomachache from the extra rib he grew. (#wetdreams)
  • His hair lightened gradually over time from the stress on his body due to high blood pressure from his quirk--it was dark brown as a kid and will become white soon!
  • His teeth also grew over time, same with his eye markings.
  • Sansoro's first name (酸素郎) is made up of the kanji for "oxygen" and "son," while his last name (石胸) means "chest of stone."