whitney (questionnaire)



4 years, 5 months ago



First Name: Whitney

Middle Name: Lynn

Last Name: Renae

Alias/Nickname(s): TOTAL--XANARCHY, w-h-i-t-n-e-y (online names)

Gender: Female

DOB: November 12th

Age: 17

Species: Human

Place of Birth: Brandon, Manitoba, Canada

Nationality: Canadian

Race: Half black, half caucasian

Occupation: Not employed

Abridged Backstory:


Skin Colour: Light brown

Hair Colour/Length/Style: Black/Long/Straightened

Eye Colour: Green

Approx. Height: 5'8 (176 cm)

Approx. Weight: 170 lbs (77 kg)

Body Type: Slim/slightly curvy

Clothing Style/Favourite Outfit(s): Chic/casual, typically wears a dark pink/creme bomber jacket, and any sort of form-fitting shirts and pants to go with it

Other Markings: Slight freckles

Detailed Physical Description: Whitney has a rather slim but rounded face, with dark, expressive eyebrows. She has a small, round nose dotted with freckles, and rather plump lips. She has large, bright green eyes and is typically seen wearing minimal mascara. She has a petite, slim build with slight curves. Her skin is a light shade of brown, and has almost no markings on it except for freckles on her chest, face and shoulders.


Character Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Disposition: Passive-aggressive/rude

Quirks: Ambidextrous, tends to play with her hair when talking (especially when lying about something)

Passive or Aggressive: Aggressive

Positive Character Traits: Outgoing, organized, ambitious, calm

Negative Character Traits: manipulative, hypocritical, self-absorbed, obsessive

What (mentally) Drives Them Forward: Her strive the be 'the best', and hopes of popularity

What (mentally) Keeps Them Down: Thoughts that her feelings don't matter due to her privileged background

Biggest goal/dream:

How they're going to achieve it:

Worst fear/nightmare: Being alone

How they try to avoid it: Flirting with and becoming friends with anyone she can, no matter who they are


Hobbies: Playing Playstation games, yoga, nail art, tennis

What fascinates them the most: Any sort of drama

What they care about the least: People's problems

Bile Fascination(s): How others act, people's opinions on her

Phobia(s): Entomophobia (fear of insects), Autophobia (fear of isolation), Aichmophobia (fear of needles)

Irrational fear(s): She's very scared of doctors, and by extension any sort of blood no matter how minor.

Moral beliefs/disbeliefs: She doesn't really believe that 'honesty is the best policy' and thinks it's better to tell people what they want to hear. She also doesn't believe it's important to keep promises, and that being forgiving is a weak trait. She believes that selfishness is needed to be successful in life, and selflessness is an inconvinience.

Dream Job: Entrepeneur

Likes: Online gaming, bright colours, anything shiny, overly cute things, sweets

Dislikes: Bugs, rain, anything considered 'rural', anime, math

Talent(s): She's quick with solving math problems (despite hating the subject), and is very good with colour coordination. She's also very flexible.

Things they just can't do: Cook, creative writing


They failed an important test: She'd get really upset about it, and probably demand that she gets a chance to retake it.

They got everything they wanted for their birthday: This is the usual for her, so she'd probably fake a surprised reaction.

They stepped in something yucky: She'd act exaggeratedly grossed out, and complain a lot.

They got into a fight with their best friend: She'd end up crying a lot, due to her attachment to said friend. Afterwards she'd act extremely guilt-trippy and kind in an attempt to 'fix' their friendship.

They disappointed someone they look up to: The thing is, she doesn't really look up to anyone. But if she got negative treatment from someone like her parents, it'd throw her into horrible depression.

They baked a cake but accidentally dropped it on the floor: She'd just give up at that point, get frustrated and order something to eat instead.

They were dealing with a bully: She would simply be annoyed. She's not a physically confrontational person, instead she'd end up doing little things like talking badly about the 'bully' to others.

They confessed a dark truth: Something like that would probably send her into a mini anxiety attack, but in the longrun it'd be satisfying for her as she gets to stay in the spotlight with things like sympathy from others.

They tried to lie about Something Important: Whitney is a-natural at lying, no matter how important it is. She'd do it with no guilt or hesitation.

They were accepting an award in front of a huge crowd: She'd be gleaming with joy, and probably brag about it for weeks afterwards.

They found out the Wi-Fi (or other life necessity) wasn't working: Two words; depression nap.

They were playing a game that they just can't win: She'd hide her growing frustration until she decides to 'play something else' to avoid full out rage quitting.

They were offered food that they didn't like: She'd be polite about it, but say she has an allergy/isn't hungry/etc, anything to get out of eating it.

They didn't like their friend's outfit: Depending on the friend, she'd either be completely blunt or making subtle remarks about the outfit throughout the day.

They found out that someone was better than them at their special talent: She'd be livid. She would stop at absolutely nothing to not only be better than that person, but ruin them in the process.

They found $100 on the street: She wouldn't really care about it, to be honest. She has enough money from her parents as it is, she can easily walk by it without a second glance.

They found out they had only a week left to live: She'd fall into a complete existential crisis, and full on breakdown. She'd be stressed out about being forgotten after her passing.

They directly caused someone's life to be significantly worse: She simply wouldn't care. It's not her life, and to her that means it's not her problem.

They were forced to make a split second decision between saving themselves and saving someone else: Herself, easy. Because there's plenty of others and only one of her, right?

They got to meet their favorite celebrity: Whitney would keep a calm exterior, try to remain cutesy and ask for a couple of pictures while on the inside she's freaking out. She'd brag afterwards on social media and to friends.

They got rude service at a restaurant: She'd probably be equally as rude, and despite being able to, she'd leave a very petty amount as a tip.

They missed an occasion they were looking forward to: Depending on what it is, she'd be inconsolable for days, but then would bounce back and start planning on something else in place of the occasion.

Their car (or other life necessity) got stolen: She'd just ask her parents for another one.

Their beliefs were challenged: She'd take it as a personal attack, and get really mad about it.

Someone confessed to them about a dark truth that could break them if anyone found out: She'd act like a 'good friend', but keep it in mind as blackmail for later in life.

Someone close to them died: Again, depends who it is. If it's someone who isn't her parents or extremely close friend, she'd just use it as a way to get sympathy from others.

Someone they didn't know/like confessed their love to them: She'd play along with it for a bit as a way to get what she wants.

Someone was annoying them: She'd grow increasingly annoyed, throwing sassy jabs and rude remarks at them. If it gets too much, she'll just snap at them and cuss them out.

Someone tripped in a public place: She might have to hold in laughter, but would just walk by as if nothing happened.

Someone had them at gunpoint: She'd act completely helpless, sobbing and crying like a child, offering things like money so that she'd be left alone.

Someone kidnapped someone close to them: She'd see it as a way to 'win the person over', so she'd try to figure out ways of bribing or otherwise getting the person back safely, that way the person 'owes' Whitney.