Akiko and Ankoku




Original Prompt: This is the Gemini blep, or bleps, rather. They prefer to be close to each other, and sometimes get their tails tangled together, be careful of that. One blep has darker scales with pale koi patches, and the other has pale scales with dark patches. Both of them have violet fins, and a cluster of stars float by their heads, forming the constellation Gemini.

My Additions: Akiko and Ankoku, brother and sister, hardly ever part ways. They tend to be very picky about where they settle down for the night, sometimes going so far as to lay about in the open just so they don’t have to stay in separate niches when the moon rises. They tend to speak to other bleps at the same time, causing a bit of unease due to how synchronized their words are (almost like they practiced it). However, this doesn’t always occur, and sometimes you can see them squabbling over who currently holds the most stars over their heads (usually pale little Akiko by one star). They’re also very defensive of the other. After all, only a twin can mess with their twin! They have separate caretakers, and it seems they love the navigator more than the ones who feed them! Even the messenger is better received by these Zodiac bleps, what with her treats and her blue fires. They love anything that shines, but have learned the hard way that you do not blep an ice floe. It took four hours for the caretakers to free them, and it would’ve been longer if the Foxfire messenger hadn’t shown up when she had. Yes, they have their moments (their tails get tangled up too often for their own good), but in the end the Gemini twins are just another adorable set of bleps.

Obtained from a Tier 3 Grab Bag (part of the Zodiac Series) for 350g.