


8 years, 13 days ago

Basic Info


Clarabel "Alayne" Lacquer




18 (born January 25th)


bi, but also inexperienced and unsure of herself. she only would consider relations with someone she deeply trusts.


First Knight to the banished prince


Berserker | Knight


Alayne is tenacious, loud, fearless, and emotional. She cares about her friends probably more than they care about her.


LOUD AF. She doesn't have any volume control.


swords, forests, fairytales, dragons, soup, horses, green, flowers, iron


bows/arrows, sandy locations, mages, frilly clothes, arcane things


Wyatt Lacquer (father) Nellie Lacquer (mother)


Velnese (from the country of Velnar)


Growing up a poor village girl, Clarabel always wished for more than what she was born with. Her father had once been in the Royal army, and taught her the ways of the two-handed swordsman style. She worships Alayne, the famous Dragon taming zweihander wielding hero of old, now a simple fairy tale. 

Clarabel was quiet and didn't hang out with other children because she would kick and them pull their hair and do mean things to them for some reason. To give her a hobby, she was trained by her father to use a two handed sword. Clara really liked training with him and loved him a lot. Her mum was nice and all, but she didn't have any connection with her daughter so they never really bonded. 

Her father was drafted into the war because of the murder of the king and queen, and Clarabel was beside herself. She became melancholy, she couldn't bear to eat or sleep, and whenever she even looked at her sword she cringed and began crying. Clara was cleaning her room one day and noticed a book her dad and her used to read. It was about Alayne, the lady who tamed the last dragon and they did good deeds and stuff like that. She read it over a bunch of times and it reminded her how strong she was with a sword and that she wasn't useless without her father, and she gathered the courage to go end the war herself and save him. Clarabel changed her name to Alayne and sort of adapted this story character as her own persona. 

So "Alayne" ventured from her hometown and soon came upon the next town over, Redleaf. She had been to this town before and wasn't too keen on sticking around, and decided to ask the locals what route she should take. At the tavern, one patron said she should avoid the nearby river because the bridge was out, and suggested she go through the forest that avoids the river. Happy for the help, Alayne accepted the tip and she soon was on her way. Unfortunately, it was a ruse and the woman who gave her the tip led a group of thieves and they attacked Alayne in the woods. She was outnumbered and could've been seriously hurt if a man named Tanner hadn't overheard them at the tavern and stepped in to help Alayne. She lost most of her money but was pretty much unscathed thanks to Tanner's interference, and she thanked him for saving her. Alayne asked Tanner where he was going and he admitted he was going to help Prince Fraybel reclaim the throne. Realizing that might be a good way to find out what happened to her father, Alayne tagged alongside him and when they encountered the Prince, she was appointed his first royal knight. Alayne is quite brash and some members of The Vales might claim to be annoyed by her presence, but truly she adds a lot of heart to the company. She can be rather gullible and this leads to problematic situations for her. The Prince is surprised and delighted to learn she can read, and that she enjoys the story of Alayne. Since he has access to the royal library, the Prince actually has read an extended version of the Legend and around the nightly fire he will tell the party a little more of the story.

 When the group meets Acantha the Dragon, Alayne becomes infatuated with her and attempts to befriend her right away. 

She also has a crush on Tanner because he's a professional maker of swords and swords remind her of love.