Basil Myers



4 years, 5 months ago



Basil Myers








4’4” ft








Chemical Engineer


Mu Clan



Basil is a Mu Floss that works as a chemical engineer. For his job specifically, he deals with artificial flavorings in food. It's a pretty complex and hectic career to maintain at times, but he's good at chemistry and can handle it. He currently lives in a house with his husband Sharlo in the Mu Clan.


Basil was someone who used to aspire to be as manipulative and threatening as his older cousin Paisley. For the longest time, he didn't necessarily have an identity of his own. He would always try to mimick any relatives he looked up to, and that included Paisley.

However, shortly after graduating from university and nailing a job in the Mu Clan as a chemical engineer, Basil's come to his senses and kind of had an identity crisis for a while. He didn't know who he was or what he was truly like, since he had tried so hard to be just like other people, until he stopped striving to be a top notch yandere. So in a way, at the moment, Basil is a former yandere.

Over time, he came to acknowledge the fact that he was an introvert more than anything. He was also a bit on the reserved and grouchy side, but he won't mind talking to you if you're close to him. He's also a bit of a tsundere, so it takes time to warm up to him.


As a Mu, Basil has the ability to heal others and himself. He's pretty average as a Mu Floss and can heal any minor wounds in an instance. With more serious wounds, he'll have to heal them consecutively over time.


Basil came from a long line of yanderes in his family.

Just like everyone else, he grew up learning to cherish his loved ones very closely.

Or at least, that's what he was raised to believe. He wasn't taught to believe otherwise. For most of his life, Basil just followed the rules that his family had and tried to make his parents proud. Since he was an only child and his parents struggled a lot to conceive a kid before having him, they expected a lot from their son and he wanted to prove that he could meet all of their expectations. He was scared of doing anything else different and just believed that things would work out in his favor if he was obedient and just did what everyone else expected of him.

One day, Basil developed a small crush on a Delta guy named Sharlo that lived next door to him. Just like everyone else in his family, he was also expected to kidnap his crush one day, and that's exactly what he did.

After flirting and then knocking Sharlo out, Basil was prepared to fulfill the yandere role he had been born for.

However, that all backfired because Sharlo was fucking crazy.

Instead of freaking out like any normal person would after waking up in a chair bound with ropes, Sharlo just happily exclaimed, "Wow, I can't believe this is happening! This is awesome!"

Immediately, Basil knew that there was something wrong with this dude. After hearing that, he backed away with WTF written all across his face and had to reevaluate his options. Maybe if he just came off as more serious and straightforward, then things would go the way they were supposed to.

And so, Basil tried to be intimidating and possessive, but to no avail. In fact, Sharlo would always respond back a little too enthusiastically, and using pain as a threat didn't hep either when he was actually a masochist.

Basil had kidnapped a complete lunatic and he was really regretting it.

After a whole week of trial and erorr, Basil decided to just let Sharlo go free and to never associate with him ever again. Much to his alarm, however, Sharlo got sad by this news and wanted Basil to try and kidnap him again. Sharlo was really that looney in the head.

Basil just tried to ignore his attempts at communicating with him. He didn't think too much of it. At least, not until one day, when he received some letters in his mailbox that weren't his. It turns out that they were Sharlo's letters and they had been sent to the wrong person.

Stuff like this happened sometimes in their apartment complex, so Basil didn't mind. He was just going to quietly shove the letters underneath Sharlo's doorway or something. However, he couldn't help but notice what the letters even were about.

It turns out that Sharlo was so lonely that he would sometimes pay people to talk to him over the phone.

That was actually really sad to learn about.

Maybe it was out of pity, or maybe Basil knew that he would never be rid of Sharlo anyway so he might as well give in, but he decided to make an effort to befriend him. Despite everything that happened, Basil decided to try and get to know Sharlo better.

After some time, a nice friendship was actually able to develop between them. There was always a bit of chemistry there every time Basil interacted with Sharlo as well. Even after realizing how eccentric and erratic Sharlo could be, Basil still had a fat crush on him. He didn't know what he saw in Sharlo, but whatever it was, it was strong.

Eventually, Basil gave Sharlo a chance and they started dating. It was a rocky beginning at first, but over time, it actually became something sweet and heartfelt. Lots of hurt and comfort moments ensued since Sharlo was insecure about himself in the relationship. In return, Basil eventually consulted in Sharlo about how he felt like he was a failure as someone who was part of a yandere family. They were both able to find comfort in each other.

And now they're happily married. It's a yandere love story gone wrong, but it's still a good ending regardless.


His real voice, like the voice that he’ll use to naturally talk in, is actually deeper in pitch and raspy in quality. He kind of sounds like a chain smoker, and it probably doesn’t help that he actually likes spicy foods quite a lot too. Whenever he’s out in public and presenting himself to people that don’t know him too well, he likes to use a more faker and higher-pitched voice.

Basil was eventually able to find an identity for himself while dating Sharlo. He was free to explore and find out what he liked and disliked as a person during that point in his life.


4828624?1577170219 Sharlo Myers

lovely husbando

4774659?1581412411 Pascal Edison

close friend

5061918?1576569603 Yin Myers


5265982?1572603482 Blaze Bane

chill in-law

5745542?1592757362 Zephyr Beurre

his yoga instructor

I used to try so hard to be something that I wasn’t before, but not anymore. I’m just me and that’s fine.
