Auren Tibbs



4 years, 5 months ago


Adopted for 55 Dollars from on 17.12.2019

Aurenlight, born under the Midnightsky and wings teinted from the amazing view. 

Auren for short had always been a curious, kind and caring one. While his family was on the upper side (living above in a hidden city in the skies) noone ever dared leave the area. Auren wanted to spread his wings and see the world. what else might be out there and what else can one learn. But his family and "clan" didn't allow it. Beeing "midnight Gazers" these beeings are nightactive and sleep through the day

Auren was most active at night, enjoyed playing harf and music instruments thst they had above and lended his voice in their orchestra. While wearing luxurious robes, fabrics and material, nothing modern has been seen upon the city.

Getting into an argument with his family, he sits upon a smooth pebblerock and gazing to the ocean with his keen eyes. Brabbling with an older one as he did so. And discovering a hot secret. Following the trail to an older one, she told him about her adventure below. Her ripped wing was thr result and her halfbreed baby as they said, was living below (she had mated with a human) discovering the info, Auren wanted to explore. With warnings from below, the woman advised him to hide his wings and not tell anyone of their world above. And if he should leave, that they might ban him forever. 

With a good thinking for now he stayed. Helped out and got a few skills done. Flying to stronger his wings, studying all the clan could offer. This was of course all preperations for if he should get banned, he would still have all the knowledge. 

2 years passed and the young Auren became 16. The age where the young warriors had their "manhood" trials to succeed and become a man. As the challenge was done, Auren proved to be excellent in his way, getting praise from the ancient leaders and rewarded. Now was time to pick a bride and settle down. But Auren didn't want to. While he did enjoy the company of females (they only mate after wedding) he wasn't ready. An argument at the assemble of the whole clan broke out, interrupted by a visitor with big wings. Folding them and magically hiding them, Auren was intreged. While this was one of the ancient's , he was banned as he left the clan. Came back after his adventure to bring the newest on inventions, tech and stuff, but they didn't want to hear it. Auren however did. Talking with the old man and discovering there was more to life outside as he had dreamt of as a kid. 

With a plotting, the old one had to leave the next day. Auren snucked into his room and talked. Then next day both were gone. Clear that the old one "must of kidnapped their champion"

While now undercover, wings hidden, Auren and the old man were in Sunburst-City. And there is a whole world for this young one to discover. 

Auren later stumbles upon the boyband "Elementals" (who really were Elementals from Fabula in plain open disguise as they were seeking their Elementarix leader) Soon a part of the band as Auren had a stunning and dreamy voice and harftrchnique.
Meeting Dexter one day at the ocean and helping him.

Later meeting Abigail and the others, becoming a strong Ally throughout the story. 

Auren had cut his beautiful kneelong hair and changed clothes as well as hidden his wings to escape the seekers of his clan to get him back (as he was promised the princess s hand to become the new leader, for his familybloodline was the most strongest among healing and powers and the only ones with stunning wings born direct under the moonlight sky)

-Wings have a certain "magic" to them. The species can heal wounds, live long and fly pretty fast and skilled.
-Enjoys to sing and play, belongs to the top "stars" of Pangea
-has Dexter living with him. becoming a bit attached and protective of.
