Izabela's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!


Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

MELL Global Rules


By obtaining any of my designs you immediately agree to my terms so please be sure you read everything in advance.

You can:

- Change the character as you wish as long as you keep the credits for the original piece\design.

- Change their species to fit your liking.

-Trade the design for art, other characters or gift\give away. 

-Resell as long as you don't go over what you paid for. You'll only be able to charge more for the character if extra art is added. Please be fair and be sure to check ownership information for original value.

* Characters obtained by trades have a base value of 0$. You may only resell them if additional art is commissioned! (personal art is fine too! But please be fair when pricing!)


- Resell the character for more than what you've paid for when no extra art is commissioned.

-Copy or trace my art and designs. I don't mind some inspiration but please don't highly reference my stuff.

-Put the character in any scenario that may be taken as disrespectful.

-Reselling characters obtained by trades without adding extra art.

You'll be warned if any of the rules is broken so you have the chance to fix it. If you don't you'll be blacklisted and blocked.

