Vollunder Yashiro Tinker



4 years, 5 months ago


Custom character creation by Yashacchi via Fiverr for 27 Dollars on 18.12.2019

Ref-Sheet is still a w.i.p as the markings and scars still need to be added.

Vollunder is an "ancient-elf" belonging to the history long species. However he is young. Around 15 at start of the story (same age as Abigail at start) with both of them having learned since childhood, these two "Rivals" compete in the same passion and Power category. 

Even if he does all high and mighty, Vollundr knows nothing of his past as a tragedy had befallen as he was 3 years old. With a "failure" in his memory, hard to connect with his past and wishes to seek the truth. Knowing only from an old, small "painting" (foto) of him with his parents. And some notes and letters he keep´s around.

In reality, he belongs to the "ol Tinker" bloodline and have alot more in common than one would think. 

Height: 6´4 (193cm)

Status: "Open to all" and Single

Voice: by Jet_Starlurk (https://www.fiverr.com/jett_starlurk

-Locket with Foto and some old notes
-Pouch with secrets

Coop with Valerie

As he crosses paths more than once with Valerie (humanish) the Elf has gotten a type of "love-Hate" rivalary as both are Master Smiths in what they do. At start a really strong hatred which through time grew a lil more as Vollundr was wanting to protect her. She beeing unbelievabley strong thanks to years of training. 

The first Coop thing was them travelling to a well known Ultimate Master Blacksmith in the mountains. The way there is full of challenges that test the strength and skills of all. Both clashing and having trouble to work together. In end manage to make it as both are accepted students of the master. 

Second coop was unwilingly as they had been kidnapped by a powerful King Nobun (as in old blacksmith tales) due to them beeing the best in " the world" as he forces them to make them the best weapons and armor for his army. (doing everything to force them) Ending up with Valerie losing her leg (Yet again) and Vollundr almost dying. Both support each other here and manage to make a chaos and defeat it all, fleeing with selfbuilt wings and a small closure on their lil' " friendship". 

(with the third travel, he is 26 as she is 25) both having to " fake date-relationship(inspired by this https://archiveofourown.org/works/20895731 )  and pretend to be together (reason?) which pays off for both in end. While pretending, it turns out more than expected as those " just said words" were truthful from Vollundr. (both end up sleeping together while at first cussing, then "acting" a scenery and a week of teasing, as it is natural with so much Energy and confused feelings-a child comes from this event https://toyhou.se/5851258.varia-smith-yashiro ) Not just an act as he states near end as their paths were almost set to split after, Vollundr confessing his true feelings but get s rejected. While it is understandable he can be a jerk and a romantic, playful and slight arrogant idiot, he does however understand from where she is coming from. A bitterlove as both see. Way later the two part peaceful ways with a slight hint of a maybe better meeting next time (better then)

Having later offspring from "the moment" and him later hearing this, got his mind thinking. While at the time he had a fling with Val s twin brother (not anymore as the twin is long time gone, married and haopy with 2 kids) Vollundr is still trying to figure himself out. As she and him had a long talk and both deciding to take things slow for now. Their relationship get more calmer as they get older. 

 He and Valerie are a power "couple" as both smithe powerful things. Don't mess with them if they should snarkingly argue (at times playful) against each other or you might get burnt. 

Short Elven-Info

Belonging to the "exceptionally good fighters", but Vollundr seems to have some degree of power with sorcery, something the vast majority of men did not.  From his mother side some inherent power. Ageless and immune to diseases, as well as being naturally more resilient and stronger than men. Many Elves that had beheld the light of the two trees of Valinor before they were destroyed was imbued with a sort of holy power that  made them capable of fighting the more powerful servants of Morgoth -  Balrogs and the like. It is unsure if Vollundr belongs to this. Having a keen intellect,  superhuman physical agility and senses, and natural magical talents.  Though not immortal (nor immune to physical injury), lives for centuries, gaining experience and Power as he ages. Beeing also Lawful in nature. Basically good, adhering to the ideals of personal  freedom, fairness and generosity. However,he has learned to be cautious when dealing with other races in general and humans in particular.

"Medium" in height, slim and graceful, with greater speed and coordination than humans. The classic features: "pale" skin (Vollundr is darker in type, which goes back to his father) narrow, handsome face, almond-shaped eyes, pointed ears. Live far longer than men, 500 years or longer among the oldest High Elves, and are much more resistant to infirmity and disease. There are two bloodlines in the West. 
High Elves, the "nobility" of elven-kind, are among the tallest, with golden hair and gold or green eyes. 
Moon Elves (or Gray Elves) have black hair and eyes of palest blue or gray. The two groups intermingle with the characteristics of one or the other  parent breeding true in their children. 

Vollundr carries the light hair and darkskin. It is assumed he is a hybrid of some sort. Due to the red eyes he inherited from his father side (who bares a secret) Some say he is a descendant from the mighty "Vulcan". Loving all beauty of nature, especially water, the Seaand the Stars, since it was the first things he saw; Marked by an insatiable curiosity and a desire of learning and creating. However, susceptible to greed, pride and jealousy, or the jealous and unjustified hatred ccan be present. Vollundr can get pretty envious when he has his sighton a potential loveinterest.  

Like Men and Dwarves, Elves did sleep. Vollundr can lay motionless, fair hands folded upon his breast,  his eyes unclosed, blending living night and deep dream, as is the way with Elves. (Trancelike and wander)


  • Superhuman Agility. fast and graceful,  dexterous with hands ( amazing archer and light-arms  fighters), and precise in crafts. Especially with his Smithing (The typical adult elf is about three times as fast as a human)
  • Superior senses of sight and hearing. Elven distance vision is some 10 times better than that of humans and they are able to see in near total darkness as though in the light of day (light amplification).  Their hearing is extremely acute, allowing them to detect sounds  unnoticeable to humans and at greater distance.
  • Mindspeak (telepathy) allows elves to communicate  silently among themselves and with those humans who are able to "hear"  them. The range of mindspeak is limited by an elf's Power level.
  • Magical abilities. Though they do not practice the magic arts as humans do, all elves are able to Sense Power and resist magical attack or influence (as a mage of equivalent Power  Level). These abilities do not require formal training, but are natural  talents which increase as the elf matures and gains experience.*
    * Typically, an elven child will possess Weak Power, increasing to Typical at maturity and Superior in middle age (300 years or more). The eldest elves possess Power at Fantastic level or higher.
  • Travel. The elves know the world far better than men do and are able to use their innate magical abilities to locate and use magical paths (or Portals) which link certain locations. These operate much like intra-planar  portals, providing instantaneous travel without the restrictions of teleportation which mages use.

With a slight arroganz, he knows what he is capable of. See's others at start not worthy of his time and effort. Vollunder is stubborn when it comes to his goal. He wants to achieve it no matter what. While a tad on the "flirty" side but only to get what he wants. Has a "lone Tiger" vibe. Not hanging around others even though he is seen as a dashing handsome one near the Academy. Surrounded by fangirls (and boys) around the West-mountains near the Royal-palast of Sunburst-city. He used to wander alone through  Fabula, stopping now and then at a town or village to work and gain a lil on info and supplies before leaving and off to the next part. Always seeking answers to his past and try to connect with it. (it still fails for an unknown reason as if  "blocked") Vollunder came from Fabula  ( another planet and a place where humans are a myth while everything else exists) and decided to settle to the busy main Area to get customers. The money he earn's, he is saving up for something special. 

"He is like a "Tony Stark" (Iron man) of the Elf realm" (Quote from my Husband)

Vollunder can use certain magic, which he does alot at start. Into fighting he only comes in with later as he see s his "rival" do the same. Wanting nothing more than to be better. He soon see's that this "human" rival is pretty strong as she had been intense training all her life. 

The arguement from the bloodline as he is "from the great and mighty Vulcan" and she "just" from the Hephaestus line. He doesn't accept her to be an ancestor and can',t believe it.

Vollunder does have a passion in Smithing though. His element and his passion since childhood often helped him in time of need and loneliness. Even with all the fans and such, they only see his beauty and skillful ways and not the hard work and dedication he puts into it. While using magic, he wishes to become stronger (which he does with Abigail/Valerie as both train and make the other improve) as his magic get s stronger and his motivation. 

Vollundr is part of the main story and keypoint. 

Also skilled in specific areas. He does do crossover stuff (and can appear in any story)


Some terms from the Internet: http://www.dreamworldsonline.com/AIM/MYTHElves.html

TERMS AND TITLESELDER RACE is the ancient name of the elves, as recorded in the  histories of the Inner Sea Lands. According to their own traditions,  elves were the first sentient mortals to inhabit Mythandar (the dwarves  dispute this claim), given life by the primal Goddess herself. The name  is now used as a term of formal respect.

THE PEOPLE is the common translation of the elvish name for themselves - talas (singular talasa). Non-elves are collectively called n'talar, literally "not the people."

HIGH LADY is the acknowledged queen of elven-kind and among the eldest and most powerful of High Elves. For the last 300 years, Aravel of Everwilde has been High Lady of the Elves in the West.

HIGH ELVES are the highest caste of elven society, based solely on heredity and appearance. Also called Gold Elves,  they are tall and handsome, with gold-blond hair (turning snowy white  with age) and eyes of amber or green. High Elves are the nobility of  elven kind and accorded the greatest respect among the People.

GRAY ELVES (or Moon Elves) are distinguished by glossy  black hair, gray, blue or violet eyes, and extremely pale skin. The most  numerous of elves (outnumbering High Elves 10 to 1), they are the most  likely to deal with outsiders. Adventurous Gray Elves even live or  journey among humans for extended periods of time.

HALF-ELVES, the offspring of elven and human parents, are rare. As half-breeds, they are most often discriminated against or outcast from human society. Half-bloods fortunate enough to be raised by elves are treated more kindly, though  mistrusted for their human flaws. Half-elves exhibit the mixed traits of  both parents. As genetic hybrids, they are incapable of producing  children (there are no 1/4 elves or humans with a trace of elvish  blood). They are smaller and more agile than the typical human and  possess all of the elven abilities to a lesser degree (see above - Power  level is limited to Typical without formal magical training).  Due to their heritage, human-raised half-elves often tend toward study  of the magic arts, which makes them susceptible to corruption as are all  elves (see Dark Elf, below).

WILD ELF or WOOD ELF is a term used by humans to refer to the  forest-dwelling elves first encountered centuries ago when men migrated  westward into Anglamar. The concept of the elf living like an animal in  the wilderness is a myth and prejudice common among city-dwelling  humans.

DARK ELF is a term incorrectly used by some as a name for the drow. In proper usage, a dark elf (elvish il'nara)  is one who has been corrupted by Power and become evil. Due to their  natural magical abilities, elves are susceptible to the appeal of magic.  Once seduced, such individuals abandon elven ethics and grow in Power  beyond that of human mages. These rogue elves are ostracized from elven  society and, depending on the extent of their corruption, often hunted  down and destroyed by other elves.

DROW are the third branch of elven kind, subterranean dwellers  separated long ago from their surface-dwelling kin. Seduced and  corrupted by evil powers, they have become dark in mind, body and soul.  The Lost Ones (elvish il'loth) practice sorcery and  worship the dark goddess Llis of the Blood-red Moon. drow have all of  the abilities and talents of surface elves, but are blind weakened in  the light of the sun. They are wholly evil in nature, and there is  unrelenting hatred between the elves of light and darkness.

AVARE' is the common elvish greeting, meaning literally "I greet you." E'NAVAR is less cordial, meaning something like "I acknowledge your presence." Among the Elder Race, "unwelcomeness" goes unstated.

ATHANAS (ATH-a-nas) is the much vaunted elven elixir that  cures illness, speeds healing, and restores the mind and body from the  effects of fatigue. Distilled from a mixture of herbs and magical  ingredients, athanas is literally worth its weight in gold (Player  Characters must get athanas from an elf in character).

ELVEN BOW is a short recurved bow made of laminated fibers and  wood, perfectly balanced and elaborately carved and crafted. It is the  mainstay of elven fighters and elven archers are renowned for their  deadly accuracy. Elven bows are rarely found in the possession of  non-elves and only if they have been stolen or gifted to those  considered aelfwise (friends of the Elven People).

ELVEN CLOAK The cloak of elven-kind, mentioned in legends  and fairy tales, is an item of great rarity and value. Woven from the  finest threads of white, green, gray or midnight blue, it provides  excellent protection from rain and cold. The most valuable trait is the  ability to make the wearer virtually invisible by blending in with the  surrounding terrain or environment. Cloaks are not sold openly, but are  sometimes gifted to the aelfwise.

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