Rita Ambrose



4 years, 6 months ago


Rita Marie Ambrose

Character Image


Character Information






Bisexual (Preference: Males, but can have small crushes on girls)




Dark Brown


4'6 ft (55.2 in)


67.3 lbs (30.5 kg)







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Rita is a female 4th grader from South Park Elementary. She is the older fraternal twin out of herself and her brother, Rick Ambrose. Well known for her typical lack of an expression outside a poker, blank or just a generally frowning/scowling look. She was originally born in Rochester, New York. Despite living there until she was 6 years old, she lacks the typical New Yorker accent. She doesn't display her emotions too often, always wearing a frown or a scowl of some sorts. She's also allergic to shellfish, mainly oysters, clams and scallops.


Positive Traits: Brave, determined, quick to defend others, calm in intense situations, can be empathetic, loyal, doesn't give up easily, can be leader material, always maternal to younger kids and can show affection (To close ones only)

Negative Traits: Anti-social at times, wary and often very reserved, not quick to trust others, can be too independent and often does things alone if she can, easy to anger at times, especially very secretive about her past, can often be too truthful, making her blunt at times


Rita has long, but soft auburn hair, dark brown eyes, an orange jacket with a magenta sleeveless shirt underneath, blue-purple jeans, black shoes and of course, her trademark jet black bandanna with wicked flames!


Rita has a demonic being, named Eziabal, infused with her soul, as a result, Rita obtained demonic properties. This includes a demonic form of her very own, able to create demonic flames, sprout her wings at will, always constantly warm, can't feel the cold any longer, can glow (Practically useless in fights but handy in other aspects), an immunity to anything hot, also burn-proof and has immense strength, endurance, speed and agility.

However, due to this side of her, Rita can often risk losing control of herself. She's also very vulnerable to holy items, charms and such. She also has a weakness to electricity, even a small shock hurts her slightly!


Rita was born in Rochester, New York, a few minutes before her fraternal twin brother, Rick. For the first 3 years of their life, nothing out of the ordinary. However, their mother, Jessica, suddenly began to abuse the two out of supposedly no where. It sadly became a new routine for the two and their father never seemed to try and stop it, neither (With the two never knowing he was a victim himself to his own wife). As a result, Rita matured fairly fast, in order to protect her brother and stand up to their mother, often challenging her and resulting in her getting beaten more often. She also eventually meets another girl named Olivia and the two strike up a friendship (Or as its called in Rochester, a "partnership" as friendship was very foreign). Together, they round up other kids who were troublemakers/neglected/abused, forming a gang. Rita commits horrible acts under Olivia's influence... But thankfully, she is able to snap out of it after Olivia takes away the sight of her friend, Chelsea, therefore... Losing contact with her... Rita fights against Olivia a year later when they're both 5 years old, with Rita becoming the victor. She also reveals Olivia's plans of attacking the city... And disbanding their gang. Since then, the two share a very toxic and bitter relationship, never hesitating to attack each other the second they see/sense each other (Their hatred running so deep, they sort of subconsciously " mentally linked" to each other). However, at age 6, Rita and her family end up moving to a quiet little mountain down in Colorado, called "South Park". (More TBA)