Princess Cutlass



4 years, 9 months ago


Crown Princess Cutlass is the current heir for the SeaWing throne under Queen Islet. She is one of the last viable heirs; the rest of her sisters are dead, missing, or physically hindered. Cutlass is known for her flamboyance and instead of having a normal royal guard, she has appointed several young heiresses to be her so-called guards- it's basically just a bunch of her friends and they are involved in whatever debauchery they can think of. Her relationship with her brothers is nonexistent as they are rarely seen around the palace. Cutlass is by far Islet's favorite daughter compared to Princess Siren, who is much younger and immature than her, and is often doted upon by her mother, not only because she is the last remaining (decent) heir but because of her undying "loyalty" to her mother. She is only loyal to Islet because she knows that if she were not to die peacefully and by talons other than her own daughters, Cutlass might have to resort to more violent means to secure her place as queen, and she would much rather not do that. 

Cutlass is highly charismatic and despite her eagerness to succeed her mother as queen, she usually puts the needs of others ahead of her own. Whenever her mother is away on business she makes sure to throw extravagant parties that often end with a fight; she has a flair for the dramatic and often instigates these fights. Even at the Brightest Night festival she had to start drama: she flirted with the IceWing queen and pissed off the RainWing dragonet of the Talons of Peace and went as far as to say some very not appropriate things in front of said IceWing queen. However melodramatic she may be, Cutlass lacks the bloodlust that so many other dragons of her time have. She would prefer not to kill her mother and instead wait out her death at the hands of old age (partially because she truly does love and appreciate her mother, although Islet may be lazy and senile). 

tldr; lord shithead