
4 years, 5 months ago



art by yangiee

He / Him

A thrill seeking gambler who somehow keeps adopting stray little siblings.

  • Name Ozell Inscitia
  • Nickname El
  • Age 86 (human years) 24 (demon years)
  • Gender Male
  • Height 6'11"
  • Residence America
  • Species Demon
  • Ethnicity Appears Filipino
  • Occupation Demonic Situation Handler
  • Sexuality Bisexual
  • Religion N/A

art by yangiee

  • Alignment Chaotic Good
  • Positive Traits Charismatic, Optimistic, Caring
  • Negative Traits Mischevious, Laid-back, Easily frustrated
  • Outlook Living life as it comes to him
  • Belief Do what makes you happy.
  • Strengths Not easily swayed, Nurturing, Observant
  • Weaknesses Has several bad habits, Attention span, Spiteful
"Listen kid, if I let life knock me down what example would I be leading by?"

Ozell is a rare sort in Hell with his can do attitude and ability to work well in a team setting. He loves big crowds and meeting new people but Hell isn't really the sort of place for that even for someone as charismatic as himself. This is partially what got him into gambling as a way to fulfill his social needs. He's always had a soft spot for the demons younger than him who are lost in the world, making him surprisingly nurturing. He loves being mischevious and taking risks though, leading to anything between harmless pranks to full on espionage.


art by yangiee

  • Optimist
  • Rude
  • Peaceful
  • Playful
  • Creative
  • Lethargic
  • Follower
  • Brave
  • Insecure
  • Intelligent
  • Wise
  • Forgetful
  • Impulsive
  • Neat
  • Curious
  • Awkward
  • Patient
  • Liar


  • Relaxing
  • Passing on skills
  • Learning skills
  • Gambling
  • Pranks
  • Adopting Little Siblings


  • Getting angry
  • Danger to family
  • Overly spicy food
  • Know-it-alls
  • Neglectful guardians
  • Hypocrisy


  • Gambling
  • Hand to hand combat
  • Karaoke
  • Parkour
  • Comedy
  • Petty theft


  • Likes small spaces
  • Always has a funny joke
  • Isn't a great listener but he still tries to sympathize
  • Enjoys sparring
  • Isn't the best with young children
  • Laughs so loudly

art by yangiee

  • Hair Color Red and white
  • Eye Color Red and teal
  • Skin Color Tan
  • Height 6'11"
  • Clothing Style Comfortable and easily mobile
  • Skinny Large
  • Curvy Tall
  • Fat Muscular
  • Groomed Messy

Design Notes

  • Pupil is teal
  • wip
  • wip
  • wip
  • wip
  • wip
Click for Reference

art by @BananaBRA1N





Present Day

Ozell worked in Satan's gardens as payment for a debt he owes to him. Said debt was gained through gambling with the wrong demons. It was either he be killed and his soul taken or spend eternity working for Satan. Some part of Ozell thought it would be doing something cool like getting information out of conspirators. Instead he is sent to do unending, back breaking work. Ozell's noramlly can do attituded takes a critical hit as he starts to give in to hopelessness of ever escaping. He is desperate enough to attend meetings about overthrowing Satan or one of his ambassadors. It seemed like a large group had a good chance of succeding and Ozell nearly signed up with them. Of course, Satan found out about their scheme and the whole group was sent to execution. Ozell managed to play innocent long enough to escape eternal torture.

With so many demons taken away, the work gets to be more unbearable than before. A few of the workers die from over exhaustion before a new batch of workers are sent in to replace the old ones. It is here that Ozell meets Hobart since he must teach Hobart how to do the work. Ozell sees Hobart's spirit and youth and decides to first befriend and then escape with him. It hurts Ozell's heart to see a demon so young and innocent (compared to other demons who grew up in the palace workforce) stuck with the threat of death or torture over his head. It is difficult and takes too long in Ozell's opinion, but eventually Hobart does come to accept his presence. On their rare off times, Ozell has been searching for a way to the human realm and finds it with a human he finds scouring around the palace. In return for his silence, Ozell makes the human promise to help him and a friend. The two spend a few weeks planning the event, but things are suddenly rushed as a rumor circles the garden that all the demons will be killed. Ozell's plan starts to fall apart as Hobart tries to push him away. Ozell discusses it with his human ally and a few days later tells Hobart of their plan and how they need him to escape. The escape is successful, if not a little tense since Hobart and the human don't trust each other.

Ozell manages to get a job where the human works and helps Hobart get one as well when he sees how lost he is. He has grown very attatched to the younger demon and wants him to try and live his life now that he is free. Ozell is happy to be able to pursue his hobbies, such as gambling, now that he has more down time. The team he is assigned to are wary, sometimes hostile, to him at first, but Ozell makes quick work of charming them with his quirks and charisma. He tries to convince the team that Hobart is just as trustworthy as him, but due to some past experience with demon allies and Hobart's hostile demeanor, the others just aren't on board with that idea. Ozell has also been mentoring the youngest member of the team who wants to fight as good as Ozell does.

Eventually, Ozell convinces the team leader to let Hobart come with them to help on their missions and prove how trustworthy he is. Whenever they're in the field though, Ozell can get distracted from his job because of how much he is keeping an eye on Hobart. This negligence leads to one of his team members being captured. Immedietly, Ozell is ready to give himself up to get the youngest member back, but Hobart has already left and given himself up in replacement. Ozell was already sick with worry and guilt over losing the youngest, but now with Hobart being taken, he is gets angry with his team at how slow they are in getting Hobart back. They do get a force together and rescue Hobart. Ozell is quick to give Hobart a lecture as soon as they are back at base, but he is also happy that the relationship between Hobart and his team are better.

Things are starting to slide into place for the first time in a while for Ozell, but maybe Satan isn't willing to let his debt be forgotten . . .


art by yangiee

Hobart: Little Brother

They are very close, although Hobart tries his hardest to act nonchalant around Ozell. He's thankful for all Ozell has done for him.

art by username

Name: Relationship

Time known each other: Time

art by username

Name: Relationship

Time known each other: Time

art by yangiee

profile html by Hukiolukio