
Midori Ayuzawa

Overview Synopsis Relationships

“I believe that everyone has their purpose, if mine is to die trying, in order to avenge my family and get you to jail, then so be it!!“

Midori to All for One"

Midori Ayuzawa
Biographical Information
Japanese Name 鮎澤 緑
Rōmaji Name Ayuzawa Midori
Alias Ayumi;
Piranha (ピラニア Pirania);
Hero Name: Therma (サーマ Sāma)
Personal Description
Birthday 26'th September
Age 15 (First Appearance)
16 (Current)
Gender 15?cb=20160427193702 Female
Height 161 cm (5'3")
Hair Color Dark Chocolate with White Fringe
Eye Color Icy Blue with Yellow Iris
Blood Type O+
Quirk Thermokinesis (Former)
Thermo Angel (Current)
Status Active
Birthplace Kanagawa Prefecture
Family Aya Ayuzawa [Mother]
Paberu Ayuzawa [Father]
Sora Ayuzawa [Half-Sister]

Miki Baishō [Foster Mother]

Enji Todoroki [Uncle]
Rei Todoroki [Aunt]
Shoto Todoroki [Cousin]
Fuyumi Todoroki [Cousin]
Natsuo Todoroki [Cousin]
Toya Todoroki [Cousin]
Occupation Student
Affiliation U.A. High School
Team(s) Team Shinso
Fighting Style Melee + Medium Combat
Ayuzawa Martial Arts
First Appearance
Manga Debut Chapter 8
Anime Debut Episode 6
Japanese Voice Haruhi Nanao
English Voice Alyson Court
Image Gallery

Midori Ayuzawa (曳座乎映 身鑼伊 Ayuzawa Midori), also known as Therma (サーマ Sāma) is an OC student in Class 1-A at U.A. High School, where she got in through official recommendations, trying to become a Pro Hero. She is possessed by her sister's quirk.


Midori is a short young teenager with dark nude skin and slender well-shaped figure with quite large bust, her eyes are sharp cat with icy blue iris and yellow pupil and very long and thick eyelashes. Her hair is chocolate brown with white messy bangs that she has clipped in the center with lime green clasp which has dark green marbles and feather on a string. She also has a few strands bound with a lime green rubber band.

In school she wears regular U.A. Uniform with dark grey tights like Ochaco. She's often seen without her jacket or with the U.A. vest.

Her casual clothes consist of a white blouse with ruffles on the edges and green laces, light gray jeans with a dark blue belt with gold buckle, dark blue belt heels. Finally, she has a dark blue bow on her neck. She also has a ponytail instead of loose hair.

Her hero costume consists of a sleeveless leotard. The upper part is black and resembles a bra with two stripes on each side running down to the center of her chest where it is joined into a single strip leading to the neck where it forms a collar. Where the straps are connected, there is an orange U-shaped badge and a lime green gem in the middle to analyze the temperaure of her upperbody and head. The lower part is yellow with black stripes and a feather veil starting at her hips and coming to the back covering her rear. She has temperature-resistant metal boots to her knees with small heel and sharp tips. At the ankle she has two orange bracelets that analyze the temperature of her legs, and accordingly adjusts the overall temperature of her shoes. She wears long white gloves that have a feather shape covering her shoulders. In addition, she has temperature-resistant metal bracelets on her wrists and arms. Part of the bracelet on her arms is U-shaped, and to it is connected another orange U to analyze the temperature of her hands. She has two long white feathers on her back to help her balance while flying. When the class had a chance to improve their costumes (before the Provisional Hero License Exam), she requested helmet to help her control her head temperature for her health safety and to help her better control her 'sister' and her powers. The helmet is yellow, covers even her chin, with orange seethrough googles, orange dots that analyze her mind, orange parts behind her ear for speed and orange U to control her head temperature.




Being carefree is Midori's daily bread. She says life is too short to care about (in her opinion XD) unimportant things. So she usually comes late to school, doesn't pay much attention and is often seen daydreaming, during lessons she sometimes completely ignores teachers, especially Mr. Aizawa with whom she often quarells with (she doen't like to be ordered around).
She seems to be quite impulsive and cheeky mainly when someone pisses her off. This is often seen when Mr. Aizawa trickes her or her class.
Midori also often outburts toward Mineta or Kaminari when they try to hit on her. She enjoys to torture them and treats them like her plaything. This hot-cold temper sadistic personality even scares most of the boys in her class. They're afraid to get on her bad side. She even got herself a nickname Piranha.

bnha___best_moments___by_andreaartsda_ddDespite her adittude towards Mineta, Midori is more open and comfortable around boys. Her best friends in her class is Bakugo and Kirishima. They usually hang out together and Midori is very friendly and towards them. Midori enjoys their company even tho she oftens gets into fight with Katsuki and argues with him. This is caused by their competitve personality. She makes fun of him whenever she gets the oppertunity. Underneath, she's loyal towards them and supports them.

She is shown to be very straightforward and honest but on the other hand she was shown to have incredible stage fright which totally oposses her direct and fearless personality. She usually gets a panic attack or faints. She was able to overcome this weakness once during the Sports Festival when she apologized for loosing control of her quirk in front of the whole stadium.. She is also terribly afraid of ghosts and spiders, when she sees one she usually goes berserk trying to kill the spider. When she's startled, excited or anry, her whole body glows. Whenever this happens people call her firefly.

Midori has nightmares about her past quite often and therefore she's afraid to go to sleep. Due to having nightmares, Midori does all the homework, training and studies very late. She's trying to wore herself out so whenever she goes to sleep she immediately passes out. She also plays the piano this late so her family and classmates are often yelling at her for making noise in the middle of the night.
Even tho she's most of the time carefree, Midori is seen to be very competitve and open to bets and games. She strives to be the best in everything she tries and isn't fond of losing. When she's keen on something she becomes very diligent and fearless. When this happens she is shown to be very smart, passionate and hardworking that her classmates often don't recognize her.

Midori has a very loving adittude towards animals. She herself has a dog named Kaya and cat Rina. She would do anything for them. Even tho she is living in the dorm, she goes home and still walks them everyday.

Underneath her impulsive and straightforward personality lies a very stoic and withdrawn girl. Midori is very cautios when it comes to her history with her parents and sister and the all before U.A. Midori isn't keen on sharing her past aswell as her problems. She doesn't like pity so she hardly accepts other's help.
Midori seems to have a strong focus. Due to her sister's unforgetable attitude towards her little half-sister, Midori has to be strong minded not to let her sister possess her. Midori's way to concentrate on her mind aswell as one of her hobbies is meditating.


Overall abilities: Midori has been trained by her parents since she was only four years old, Midori entered U.A. High School through recommendations, and has been established as one of the strongest students in Class 1-A. Even whe she had only her birthgiven quirk, Midori was always force to be force to be reckoned with. She can control motion of molecules which grants her ability to freeze or melts anything or simply control temperatures. Midori was able to freeze anything with her hands giving her advantage when facing someone with nature substance quirk (e.g. fire, water, rocks etc.), weapons or object-focused quirks. Midori was able to protects herself in different sittuations. Using freezed objects to stand on them and then attacking her oppoenents.

Following her acquired powerful multilateral guirk Thermo Angel, Midori has a great selection of how she can use it and a bigger power advances on her opponents. Her sister Sora was also called 'The blesssed by heavens' for good reason, Midori gratned most of her sister's powers which are on a very high application level. Midori is in her Angel form inhumanly fast that she can put up with Hawks who is claimed to be the fastest hero. Midori like Hawks primaly relies on her speed. During the Provisional Licence Exam she was able to outspeed her opponents which helped her to pass the first round along with her ability to fly and telekinesis ability which she improved during the first round of Hero Work Studies.

When she was in battle with Tokoyami and her sister was in control of her mind. Midori shown to be able to use her power without any effects on eher body which she usually has a problem with. Noone knows if it was caused by Sora's own power experiences or it was Midori's new skill. During the battle Midori almost used the power which she's sworn to never use almost destroying the whole stadium and herself with it. Later, some of the fans claimed she was a ticking bomb and should be locked up. Midori showed awareness and publicly apologized and reassured them she will make sure that this accident will never happen again.

     ◾ Enhanced Agility: Midori herself is incredibly agile, quick and has incredible reflexes. Her attacks are based on her speed and agility. It was pointed out by Shoto that she had been doing gymnastics since she was little.
     ◾ Enhanced Strenght: Midori was shown to have enhanced streght following the metal part of her costume. Her metal parts of her costumes are made of one of the heaviest metals on Earth, yet Midori has no problem moving around. One day when the class was training and Midori lost her bracelet, she asked Todoroki to hand it to her and he was surprised how heavy it is and wondered how she can move so fast with it on.
     ◾ Ayuzawa Martial Arts: Ever since she was little, her parents trained her in martial arts. Midori was trained mainly in kick-style martial arts. Midori was shown to be skilled in Teakwondo and Kickbox. She is shown to able to kick someone very far than is for a normal human. Midori links her martial arts skills with her own agility and quirk to have her own unique style.

Keen intelect: Midori is shown to be very inteligent and observant. She has a great memory and analytical skills. During battle she mainly focuses on opponents physical weaknesses so she can take out her enemies quickly by usuing their body weaknesses against them. She can easily calculate her moves to have the highest canceling effect.
Even tho she is known for not pay attention during classess, Midori is also very skilled in academics, having scored 6th place in the midterms, one point behind Todoroki.

Musical talent: Midori's biggest hobby is playing the piano and other key-based instruments. She plays piano since she was 6 and says that if she didn't want to be a hero she would be playing piano as her career instead.


Thermo Angel (サーモエンジェル Sāmoenjeru): Her innate quirk is the ability to manipulate the motion of molecules, slowing them down or speeding them up, thus changing temperature in the immediate vicinity with the power of one's mind. Her quirk allows her control the temperature, overall temperature of all particles (internal energy), this includes air temperature, temperature of objects, body temperature, etc. Thanks to this she's able to melt or freeze everything around her when she touches it.

bnha___wings_like_an_angel__by_andreaartShe also able to fly using hot air because hot air rises up when heated. Since she can make the air hotter and therefore rise up she is able to fly. Midori was always able to fly thanks to air even tho the hot air can't make other people fly due to their mass. But eversince she made piece with Sora she is using her sister's quirk to fly instead. When she does she has a pair of luminiscent wings. Midori loves wings and says it's more elegant way to fly.

Increasing or decreasing her overall kinetic energy, therefore, her body temperature, is dangerous for her because it may fail her organism. She may have hallucinations, chills, increased sweating or fall into coma.

thermo_angel_by_andreaartsda_ddqhmna-preWhen she uses her sister's quirk or when she's accidentally possessed by her, she has angel powers. So far, Midori is able to use only fraction of her sister's abilities, that goes for flight, cast light energy blasts, superspeed and telekinesis (since Provisional Hero License Exam). Her sister's abillities were e.g. to possess people, flight, light energy blasts, superspeed, localization, telekinesis, appear in people's dreams, sense corruption around her, memory manipulation and was able to understand,speak every language and much more. Her sister's quirk also improves her own thermokinesis quirk and thanks to this she was able to use molecular combustion. When Midori 'made up' with her sister was able to use her power without Sora possessing her, she was focusing on mastering these powers she didn't have during her Hero Work-Studies in the Hawks Hero Agency alongside with Tokoyami.
Her weaknesses are for example darkness and alcohol plus she is very tired and often loses consciousness after using her powers.

As part of her training, Midori had to fly very fast and produce light while she was flyin' in a dark cave where Tokoyami had to control Dark Shadow. Since Modori's weakness is dakrness and Dark Shadow's light they were assignmented to improve their quirks together.

Super Moves

     ◾ Planck Momentum ( プランクの勢い Puranku no ikioi ): Midori gets so fast that noone can even see her, it looks like teleportation to them. Midori can't be this fast for long, when       she overdoes it, she usually faints and can't move.
     ◾ Planck Temperature ( プランク温度 Puranku ondo ): Midori rises the temperature so high that she can melt just about anything but it has one condition. Midori must be touching       the object she wants to melt. As know her own quirk effects her body too so she has a costume made to control her body temperature to protect her.
     ◾ Absolute Zero ( 絶対零度 Zettaireido ): Oppositte to her Planck Temperature move, absolute zero causes everything she wants to freeze. She uses this move mainly for non-living       object such as robots, weapons etc.
     ◾ Holy White Light ( 聖なる白色光 Seinaru hakushoku hikari ): Midori can unleash a highly concentrated blast of pure energy from her entire body to destroy targets. She can do this       only once in a while until her inner energy is restored, much like Nejire's power.
     ◾ Molecular Manipulation ( 分子操作 Bunshi sōsa ): can perceive, move, and change the molecular structure of matter. Given this she can control the biology or biological condition       of other beings and completely obliterate them. Midori udes this ability only once after she was given her sister's quirk by One For All. She couldn't control this power and killed her       sister. Midori swore herself she would never use that ability again.




Hero Costume: Like Shoto's costume, hers is also designed to diminish the drawbacks of Midori's Quirk as much as possible by regulating her body temperature and the costume should resemble angel.
     ◾ Temperature Resistant Costume: Her costume is made of special heat resistant fibrer.
     ◾ U - Badges: She has U - shaped badges all over her body to analyze and regulate her body temperature. She has 1 on her helmet, 1 one each arm, 1 on her chest and 2 bracelets       on each leg.
     ◾ Temperature Resistant Bracelets: She has temperature resistant metal bracelets on her wrists and arms. The bracelets are made of a Zirconium-Chrome-Wolframium alloy,       known for their very high melting point.
     ◾ Temperature Resistant Boots: She has also temperature resistant metal boots. Like her bracelets, her boots made form the same alloy as her bracelets. The boots have a sharp       tips, Midori wanted them in connection with her leg fighting style.
     ◾ Mind Control Helmet: As an upgrade, Midori got a helmet to help her control her head temperature for her health safety and to help her better control her 'sister' and her powers.       The helmet has U - shaped badge, orange seethrough googles to protect her eyes from UV radiation above the clouds and dirt particles in high speed, orange dots that analyze her       mind and thoughts in order to avert her sister's mind when needed.

Battles & Events

U.S.J. Arc
     ◾ U.S.J. Incident
          ◾ Katsuki Bakugo, Midori Ayuzawa & Eijiro Kirishima vs. Villains
          ◾ All Might & U.A. Students vs. League of Villains

U.A. Sports Festival Arc
     ◾ U.A. Sports Festival
          ◾ Obstacle Race
          ◾ Cavalry Battle
          ◾ Midori Ayuzawa vs. Mina Ashido
          ◾ Midori Ayuzawa vs. Fumikage Tokoyami

Vs. Hero Killer Arc
     ◾ Hero Agency Internships

Final Exams Arc
     ◾ First Term Final Exam
          ◾ Midori Ayuzawa vs. Gran Torino

My Hero Academia: Two Heroes
     ◾ I-Island Incident
          ◾ Katsuki Bakugo & Shoto Todoroki vs. Daigo & Nobu
          ◾ U.A. Students vs. I-Island Security Bots
          ◾ All Might & Izuku Midoriya vs. Wolfram

Forest Training Camp Arc
     ◾ Quirk Training Camp
          ◾ Class 1-A vs. Pixie-Bob
     ◾ Vanguard Action Squad Invasion
          ◾ Midori Ayuzawa & Ragdoll vs. Chainsaw Nomu

Hideout Raid Arc
     ◾ Kamino Incident
          ◾ Midori Ayuzawa vs. All For One
          ◾ Katsuki Bakugo & Midori Ayuzawa vs. League of Villains

Provisional Hero License Exam Arc
     ◾ Provisional Hero License Exam
          ◾ U.A. Students vs. Seiji Shishikura

U.A. School Festival Arc
     ◾ U.A. School Festival

Joint Training Arc
     ◾ Joint Training Battle
          ◾ Round 5
     ◾ Hero Work-Studies I (Flashback)

Endeavor Agency Arc
     ◾ Hero Interview Training
     ◾ Hero Work-Studies II

Paranormal Liberation War Arc
     ◾ Paranormal Liberation Raid
          ◾ Villa Raid Team vs. Paranormal Liberation Front




◾ Midori's surname means "gift" (鮎澤 ayuzawa), and her fisrt name is the kanji for "green" (緑 midori).
◾ According to Midori's Volume 2 profile:
     ◾ Her favorite food is spicy food like Katsuki's and her favourite food is Tantamen and favourite dessert.
     ◾ Her favorite activity is playing piano, meditation and drawing.
     ◾ Midori is terribly afraid of spiders and ghosts.
     ◾ Midori hates speeches and mushrooms and doesn't like reading.
◾ All for One was the one who killed her mother and stole her father's quirk.
◾ Her Hero besides her parents is Hawks. She likes him because of his quirk and because they have a lot in common e.g. they carefree, kind of disrespectful to others and they like    joking.
◾ She doesn't like when people call her by her surname like it's usual in the show and is very annoyed when people do. She says that this name died with her parents.
◾ Midori's academic data at U.A. is as follows:
     ◾ Student No. 21 in Class 1-A.
     ◾ Ranked 6th in Class 1-A's mid-term grades.
     ◾ Ranked in the Top 8 of the U.A. Sports Festival.
          ◾ Midori recieved only one nomination from Hawks due to her possession by her sister while her battle with Tokoyami and the nearly following destruction of the battlefield.
           In the end Midori hadn't accept and instead asked Mr. Aizawa to help her control her sister's quirk since he can erase it if she would take over her again.
     ◾ Scored 84 in the Provisional Hero License Exam along with Hanta Sero.
◾ Midori got into U.A. through Recommendations.
◾ Midori's fav food is Tantanmen and chocolate pudding.
◾ Midori has bad sense of direction as shown in the My Hero Academia: Two Heroes. Mentioned by Todoroki, she once got lost in his family's house.
◾ She shares birthday with Inasa Yoarashi.
◾ Midori, Shoto Todoroki and Izuku Midoriya share the same costume designer.


◾ (To Mr. Aizawa) "Whatever"
◾ (To All for One) "I once have sworn to myself that I would never use this monstrous move ever again, I refuse to become a monster like you, Y'hear me?!!"
◾ (To All Might, Shota Aizawa and Hitoshi Shinso) "If never stop worrying about using my power, I'll never become a great hero like my sister and parents were. I swear I'll master this    quirk and become a hero my family would be proud of!"
◾ (To All for One) "“I believe that everyone has their purpose, if mine is to die trying, in order to avenge my family and get you to jail, then so be it!!"
◾ (To Hitoshi Shinso) "Always thought I was the one suppossed to help YOU and not the other way around... but I'm greatful to you trying to help me."
◾ (To Hitoshi Shinso) "I envy you your passion for fullfilling your dream of becoming a hero and I know that you're going to be an amazing hero oneday that will save me once again..."

Profile by Erandia