


4 years, 5 months ago

Basic Info


/ zes-triks /


Zest, Zesty, Zes, Trix


27 years


December 18




Demon (imp)


Bisexual Demiromantic


Contract worker (does mostly heavy lifting jobs)


ambitiousBard or Micheal Jones


"If my ass is stuck here living in a word of constant agony and torment, then I'm sure as FUCK going to make sure that every sorry piece of fecal excretion that crosses my path gets a taste of it as well."

Despite being a literal walking Homestuck reference on cloven hooves, Zestrix has more going on for him than his similarities to a beloved crabby, grey skinned alien. He's surly and harsh but it's far more softly spoken, with less screaming and more long, eloquently spoken rants inter spliced with crass language and the jab at a persons'/demons' character. He's very much a result of living in Hell but despite how jaded and nihilistic his viewpoint can be he still retains SOME hope and decency deep, deep, DEEEEEEEP down. It just takes a while to find it.


Zestrix is a short and rather squarely built demon, standing at roughly 4 ft 9 in (145 cm). Despite this he gives credence to the phrase 'big things come in small packages', as his sharp tongue and biting wit provides him a presence where his stature lacks. Regardless, in terms of looks he's pretty average by imp standards, with golden eyes and sharp teeth and dark head of hair with a large white patch down the middle. The only real stand out thing about him being his heavily furred legs, bushy brows, and those small, curling horns that protrude from his forehead. It's rare he goes a day without getting comments about them, but after a couple of years the repetition as grown monotonous and Zestrix just ignores them in lieu of doing literally anything else more productive.

Like all imps his skin is red but he lacks the white speckling or splotches that most have, instead his arms, legs and tail all look like they were dipped in dark paint with his patch of white coming in the form of thick, fluffy body hair.


His usual getup is nothing special, his wardrobe consisting of essentially the same darkly colored pants with a wide assortment of t-shirt and tank tops with all sorts of colors and designs, pulling the whole thing together with his favorite jacket. Zestrix always found jewelry and makeup a hassle, and he rarely if EVER  carries a backpack or handbag as he finds pockets more convenient. In fact the only set of clothes that doesn't match his day to day getup is ONE suit that he only comes out for special occasions or job interviews. 

Otherwise it's branded short sleeved shirts and dark pants for him.


Zestrix is a surly imp who is well known for his severe case of 'resting bitch face'. Funnily enough though he's not a particularly angry person, he's known to shout when upset sure, but those moments are few and far between. What happens more often than not is the man will seethe. His frustration coming out more in the form of passive aggressive remarks and snide, biting commentary more than a full on rage induced rant that could last for hours. (not to say that he hasn't done that, but he's too tired to manage that sort of vitriolic energy anymore) Other times though... he's just grumpy! He's a grumpy fart who finds enjoyment in only a small handful of things, and tolerates everything else. He'll be cordial most of the time, sometimes downright SAINTLY depending on who he's dealing with, but there's always an air that he never wants to be anywhere that he's present.

If a person manages to dig past that prickly layer though they'll find a rather shy and anxious person underneath. Someone who cares DEEPLY about how he's perceived and almost feels shackled by the image he's been painted as. He's deeply afraid of being vulnerable or even just expressing interests towards anything in front of others. Interest that can bubble up often since he has a chronic case of crushing on people who are even somewhat attractive. 

Below even that though is a guy who cares, and cares fiercely, he just has a tough time showing it.


To make a long story relatively short, Zestrix can't really remember if he was born in Hell or he died and wound up there. Most imps say that they're born in the underworld but that prospect has never sat well with him. He tries not to think about it in his day to day life but there are times it wanders to the forefront, this enormous gap in his memory that stretches from his birth to when he turned about 11-12 years old.

Everything beyond that point is more concrete. Zestrix was in demon foster care, which sounds worse than it actually is. Still, bouncing from foster home to foster home doesn't exactly do great things to a kid, even a demon one, and even at such an early age he'd developed a severe amount of cynicism towards the world around him. It didn't help that he was an... 'abrasive' kid, often pushing, shoving, getting into fights. Sometimes it was to help others, sometimes it was to get attention, sometimes... he doesn't even know. It just felt good to get the aggression out and pass it onto something else. It never helped long but it was his way of coping back then.

Sadly it made staying with one family a difficult task, and at some point Zestrix had given up on ever finding a 'forever home'. Waiting expectantly for the next family to toss him aside so he could be someone else's problem. There was one household though. A couple, older, probably in their late 40s to 50s if he had to guess. They stuck with him no matter how destructive he got, or how much he'd scream, bite, and kick. At this point he was reaching his late teens, a phase of his life filled to the brim with hormones and tumultuous emotions, and all of that stuffed into a kid who had no grasp on how he could express them healthily. It was rough, and the couple suffered their fair share of screaming matches with their adoptive son, but as days turned to weeks, weeks turned to months, months to years, he realized... They WANTED him to stick around, they WEREN'T going to get rid of him, and when he eventually got to hear that from them he nearly wept with joy and relief.

The first time he actually wept was at their funeral. The exterminators... they went straight for the imp district. He was lucky to have survived.

After that he just shut down. Any promise of emotional growth was shattered in that moment, and he rapidly began shutting people out of his life. He went back to being surly, combative, shouting and chewing off the heads of anyone who dared to get near him. When he started on his adult years though and was kicked into the world at full force, those 'weapons' had lost their edge. Now his anger is set to a low boil, he seethes and snips rather than lunging for the throat, and can manage to be at least SOMEWHAT sociable, if only to make his job go faster.

Yeah, shockingly enough the guy managed to find work at a local contracting agency who hires sturdy demons to do odd jobs around Hell. Mostly delivery, heavy lifting, transporting goods, the boring shit. It's helped him meet a lot of demons though, and even some Overlords, even if none of them would be able to pick the imp out from a crowd. That's fine with him though, at this point he just wants to live a 'calm' life silently hating the world.


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  • Power 1: Insert text here.
  • Power 2: Insert text here.
  • Power 3: Insert text here.
  • Power 4: Insert text here.
  • Power 5: Insert text here.


  • Ability 1: Insert text here.
  • Ability 2: Insert text here.
  • Ability 3: Insert text here.


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