'Patty' Patricia Moorweed



4 years, 6 months ago


Patricia Moorweed ('Patty')
Pronouns She/Her
Race Forest Gnome
Class Druid, Circle of Land (Forest)
Age 43
Height 108cm

A small bean taught by the best, and ready to see the world.

Patty (who's Patricia?) grew up far from civilization, spending her days wandering the rustic countryside and exploring the wild forests and high mountains with her parents. Her father, Julius Moorweed, was a retired adventurer whose name had once held sway in the stronghold city of Waterdeep. Her mother, Olive, had a similar title to her name, having set out to singlehandedly save her coastal town from rampaging beasts. Heartened by their stories of adventure and wonder, Patty hoped to someday journey out into Faerun on her own as well.

  • Unless...?

Adventuring meant that you made some enemies along the way. One day while her parents were out, one such foe paid them a visit, looking for trouble and finding only Patty at home...