
4 years, 5 months ago




【Name】 Darkmask
【Name Meanings】
Dark || For his blackish pelt.
Mask || For his tendency to not show many emotions.
【Former Names】
Darkkit :: Darkpaw
【Starting Age】 25 Moons (06/30/2018)
【Current Age】 40 Moons
【Gender】 Tom
【Clan】 Snakeclan
【Rank】 Warrior
【Orientation】 Bisexual :: Biromantic
【Nickname(s)】 "Popps"
【Heritage】Ravenclan(Past) || Snakeclan
【Breed】 75% American Shorthair || 13% Javanese || 12% Dragon Li
Starclan || Strength :: 90% ::
Dark Forest || Strength :: 20% ::
Loyalty to Clan || Strength :: 100%
【Theme】 A Real Life || Greek Fire
【Theme】 --
【Coding Credit】 CrystalChimera

Darkmask is a dark black tabby tom with a white belly and paws. He had blue eyes and blue paint on him, in honor of his new clan, Snakeclan. He dislikes a lot of Ravenclanners for sticking by with what Gorsestar did, but he won't actively treat them horribly.

The tom is an excellent swimmer and fighter, not likeing hunting all that much. He likes to help the apprentices train, but comes off as unapproachable and mean to a few cats.



[ Clear-Headed | alert and thinking logically and coherently.]
Darkmask will not panick when given a tough situation, and will be able to think through it logically and clearly. He also is very alert no matter what state he is in, even if he has just woken up.

[ Decisive | (of a person) having or showing the ability to make decisions quickly and effectively.]
Darkmask tends to make quick decisions no matter what is thrown on him. This especially helps him in patrols, when things can go haywire out of no where.

[ Observant | quick to notice things.]
Because Darkmask is a clear-headed cat, he is quick to notice things that happen around him, including the habits of the cats he lives with. He tends to use the info he finds for the good of the clan.


[ Socially Awkward | Presenting a form or different forms of uncomfortability when around others.]
Because of his nature, Darkmask doesn't really know how to interact with other cats, and is quiet uncomfortable with it. He only is really comfortable around his family.

[ Noncommittal | (of a person or a person's behavior or manner) not expressing or revealing commitment to a definite opinion or course of action.]
Darkmask doesn't really want to get into any conflicts, so he tends not to speak up about certain things that would get another cat upset. This doesn't apply to patrols though, only to sensitive topics like if someone broke the warrior code.

[ Reserved | slow to reveal emotion or opinions]
Darkmask is pretty quiet, often choosing very carefully who he speaks to, and he chooses even more carefully who he shows his emotions too. He often keeps a lot of himself hidden. This is the same with his opinions.


[ Disillusioned | disappointed in someone or something that one discovers to be less good than one had believed.]
Darkmask is a cat who is often very hard to convince, considering the situation with Gorsestar. Because of that he is disillusioned that every cat is good, and does not trust right away.

[ Aloof | not friendly or forthcoming; cool and distant.]
Darkmask seems uncaring about his clan and his clanmates, as he usually is quiet and keeps to himself. He does not go out of his way to talk to any other cat besides his sister.

[ Resentful | Definition: feeling or expressing bitterness or indignation at having been treated unfairly.]
Darkmask is a cat who will often be very unwilling to forgive others that have done him wrong. Not even his family and close friends are saved from this, as he can still cannot forgive them for various reasons if they do him wrong.

  • His sister
  • Border patrols
  • The night sky
  • Helping train apprentices
  • ---
  • Rouges
  • Forcing elders to starve
  • Hunting
  • Thunderstorms
  • ---
  • Darkmask doesnt clean his fur often, as he wants to keep his paint on
  • He reapplys his paint once every 2 weeks
  • He actually wakes up pretty late, despite his attitude
  • ---
  • ---
  • Being able to stand up for justice like Flintstar
  • To have a family adn teach them to respect their elders
  • To be deputy
  • To one day get back at Gorsestar for what he did- Darkmask doesnt care that hes dead.
  • ---
  • Becoming like Gorsestar
  • Seeing his sisters cold body in front of him
  • Dying before his time
  • ---
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  • ---
  • ---
 Design info
【Height】 22 cm
【Weight】 8 lbs
【Fur Color】 A black tabby tom with white paws, belly, and muzzle.
【Scars】 N/A
【Demeanor】 Aloof, Quiet, Observant
【Build】 He broad shouldered and stocky
【Eye color】 Blue-green.
【Fur style】 Soft and long-furred
【Markings】 He has a darker black back and front legs, and even darker tabby stripes on his back,t ail and front legs. He has a white muzzle, paws, and belly, all which have a bit of spotting.

Darkmask is like a mixture of his parents, and is proud of the way he looks. He believes he is honoring his parents by looking like the way he does, and is 100% confident in his looks.

  • Darkmask sometimes stares at cats too long.
  • Despite barely talking, cats can hear him because his paw steps are loud.
  • Darkmask tends to hunt at night because he melts into the background...and he needs all advantages he can get.
  • During gatherings the tom keeps to himself and doesnt talk unless spoken too.
  • ---


Darkmask was born in the reign of Gorsestar. He was born with a sister named Nightkit, and the two's parents were named Skywatcher and Heathertail. His parents were near the older generation, having their kittens late, so they took a huge brunt of Gorsestar's rules.

Darkkit and Nightkit were ignorant of this, and played as normal kittens do. They loved playing with each other and were very close- though they also enjoyed playing with the other kittens of the nursery and queens. Sometimes though, all the kits were ushered inside whenever they heard yelling, and they didn't exactly know what was going on. Both Darkkit and Nightkit tried to sneak around to see it, but they could never get past the queens.

Though one day Darkkit will always remember. It happened when he was 5 moons- and too far away from thr nursery for the queens to user him away. He and Nightkit were playing around the medicine cat when the current deputy, Flintflare, was questioning Gorsestar's decisions. It turned into a fighting match, with a few cats siding with the she-cat. Darkkit thought she had a few good poitns, and was absolutely shocked when Gorsestar demoted her. It stuck with him for the rest of his kithood and apprenticehood.

Finally the day had come, Darkkit and Nightkit were 6 moons and it was time for them to become apprentices.


Darkkit became Darkpaw and Nightkit became Nightpaw, and recieved the mentors Spotteddust and Leafflight respectively. THe two were excited as their mentors were siblings too, therefore Darkpaw and Nightpaw would be able to train with each other. It was a happy thought, and the siblings grew closer because of it.

Darkpaw and Nightpaw both excelled at different things, Darkpaw with his fighting and swimming, and Nightpaw with her hunting and stealth. They had fun training with each other though, and they provided excellent challenges to each other since they were such opposites. Darkpaw at this time began to look up to Gorsestar, seeing him as a strong leader.

During this time their parents retired to elders, and were enjoying the elder life for a while. Then Gorsestar started enforcing his rules again- where elders were not allowed to eat. Darkpaw and Nightpaw were worried for a bit, as they wanted to make sure their parents were getting food and being healthy. Skywatcher and Heathertail assured them they were fine though, with false smiles that the siblings could not see through

Then the day came when the siblings came to see their parents again. Skywatcher and Heathertail's bodies were still, and Darkpaw and Nightpaw thought that they were just sleeping. Both apprentices clambered over to their parents before Nightpaw sprung back with a cry and Darkpaw stared in shock. Their parent's bodies were still...shockingly still. And cold. Which only meant one thing...

They were told that their parents died from starvation, and in their sleep. Neither sibling dealt with this well, Darkpaw retreating into himself as he he threw on a mask, and Nightpaw throwing herself into training. Soon it became time for them to become warriors.


Darkpaw became Darkmask and Nightpaw became Nightwhisper. Even though they were finally warriors, things only seemed to get worse in Ravenclan. Gorsestar was now starting to make the sick and starving go through warrior duties even though it was obvious they could not do it. More and More Ravenclan members were getting dissatified with Gorsestar's lead, and they were getting riled up by Flintflare. Darkmask didn't know what to do. His parents died because of Gorsestar's rules but not only did the tom still admire Gorsestar somewhat, Starclan had to see something to allow Gorsestar his nine lives and become leader of Ravenclan.

The tom sometimes wondered if it was real life anymore.

It wasn't long before his sister's mentor grew sick, and Gorsestar still made the warrior continue his duties. And it all came to an end when Leafflight was part of a patrol that fought with Lynxclan. Because the she-cat was so sick, she was weakened, and she fell in the battle. Nightwhisper fell into deep despair over the fact that her mentor fell. The it came to Flintflare's rebellion. Nightwhisper, and therefore her brother Darkmask, followed Flintflare in leaving Ravenclan and making a new clan, Snakeclan.

From that day on Darkmask served his clan as faithfully as he could. When the rouges attack, the tom kept a calm facade through the whole thing, helping with the searching and finally helping take down Watcher for good.



Level: 1
Total EXP: 0
Current EXP: 0/30
Primary Class: --
Secondary Class: --
HP: 25/25
Dexterity: 10
Constitution: 12
Speed: 7
Stealth: 7
Charisma: 10
Intelligence: 7
Wisdom: 7

4866102_dx64OYKaIgXgWDf.png【Heathertail】 Mother
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam orci nisl, rhoncus luctus urna et, luctus tincidunt velit. Sed nec mattis dolor, quis iaculis massa. Donec at felis ac nulla dictum mollis. Donec quis justo tincidunt arcu convallis egestas ut gravida sapien. Duis id nulla non ex scelerisque rhoncus a vitae neque.
4866102_dx64OYKaIgXgWDf.png【Skywatcher】 Father
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam orci nisl, rhoncus luctus urna et, luctus tincidunt velit. Sed nec mattis dolor, quis iaculis massa. Donec at felis ac nulla dictum mollis. Donec quis justo tincidunt arcu convallis egestas ut gravida sapien. Duis id nulla non ex scelerisque rhoncus a vitae neque.
4866102_dx64OYKaIgXgWDf.png【Nightwhisper】 Sister
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam orci nisl, rhoncus luctus urna et, luctus tincidunt velit. Sed nec mattis dolor, quis iaculis massa. Donec at felis ac nulla dictum mollis. Donec quis justo tincidunt arcu convallis egestas ut gravida sapien. Duis id nulla non ex scelerisque rhoncus a vitae neque.
4866102_dx64OYKaIgXgWDf.png【Spotteddust】 Former Mentor
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam orci nisl, rhoncus luctus urna et, luctus tincidunt velit. Sed nec mattis dolor, quis iaculis massa. Donec at felis ac nulla dictum mollis. Donec quis justo tincidunt arcu convallis egestas ut gravida sapien. Duis id nulla non ex scelerisque rhoncus a vitae neque.

All seen below isn't essential to know, but might help to better understand Darkmask and those involved within his history.