Do u do pings? :3

Yes! :зс

I would love to be pinged if u ever take offers on him then omg! > <

Also would u be okay with fanart of him? I wanna draw them so bad!

never against art, it's always nice and pleasant👉🏻👈🏻🤧

Ahdhsjhs I finished I rlly hope u like it! He was so fun to draw AA

I also tried adding it to his gallery hopefully it worked 

waaa it's so cute!! qwq

not to be a bother, but are you considering offers at the moment ? i can offer money if so !

I'm sorry, this character is not being given at the moment!

thats ok !! thank u anyway !! xoxo

Hi! Are you taking offers on them?

No, this character is not being given at the moment. I'm sorry!