Garrett Talmun



4 years, 5 months ago


Garrett Talmun
White Stickman/Chickatoo Hybrid
Gender: Hair

5'4''/1.62 m tall
Magic: Phase. Allows him to slip through matter like he's not even there. Anything inorganic in him though does slip out slowly as well, meaning while active he gets winded easily.
Weapon: Shortsword. As of right now, nothing special to note about it.

The North is an unruley place. Cold, jagged, and unforgiving. Only those with expertise and skill are able to traverse the lands to the far north with relative security. Even in their skill though, uncertainty is the reigning factor of whether that last trip to hunt will be their saving grace... or their last expedition.
The Talmun family pride themselves on the countless journeys to the north, successfully leading researchers or those just curious through the treacherous waters and frozen wastes. On the outside, they seem nothing more than happy folk with a family line of business. Inside however, black to the core. Overworking and mistreatment of employees. Expediting services just to make quota. Exploitation of natives and anyone who seems to make a threat to their "family friendly" services. Whatever it takes to make profit for their family.

Garrett never met most his family however, as a lot were killed before he really could remember. Shipped off to his aunts after the killing spree, he grew up a humble boy. Starry eyed and happy go lucky. He was always taught to value life entirely. From the mightiest beasts, to the handiest man, to the smallest of plants. "Don't take a single thing for granted, and eventually karma will come around to help you in the end" are the words he lived by. Even though he was introduced to his crux, Gambling, by his late uncle, he's as pure as snow!
At the age of 25, he set out. Learning his heritage and the events leading to current day, he couldn't just stand by and leave questions and holes unfilled. He needed to find the truth. Regardless of the bloody consequences he may face along the way.

Lore Spoiler

He's the Reincarnation of the Chickatoo God. Not even slightly joking.

He has deer tail.

WIP Bio:

.: General Info :.

Name: Garrett Talmun
Pronunciation: Ga-rett Tahl-mun
Nicknames: Ghost
Age: 21
Birthday: August 23rd
Birthplace: Northwood
Race: Human
Species: Haired
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Homosexual
Height: 5'4''

.:Distinguishing features:.
...text here...

Current residence: Harran's Farm
Current home: Terosa Town
Occupation: Hero-in-Training
Relationship status: rs
Social status: ss

.: Dialogue :.

Voice claim/Accent: accent
Language: language
Other languages known: other
Style of speaking: speaking

.: Personality :.


Likes: likes
Dislikes: dislikes
Hobbies/past times: text
Guilty pleasures: text
Pet peeves: text
Personal goals: text
Religious values: text
General intelligence: text
General sociability: text

.: Relationships :.



Friends (currently)

Love interest

.: Combat :.

General Skills: here
Peaceful or violent? here
Weapon(s) of choice: here

.: Abilities :.




.: Fears :.


.: Health :.



.: History :.



.: Other Details :.
