Amie Doe



7 years, 7 months ago


   AMIE . DOE ( the amnesiac )

Name . "Amie"
Age . ??? ( 18 )
gender . female
species . human
orientation . bi
class . researcher
theme . POPIPO


• She has conquered the 6 previous Regions' Leagues.
• Her nickname comes from Pokemon Amie
• Her snag machine is pre-registered to another trainer.
• Amie is terrified of the water after nearly drowning.
• She has a talent for inventing and repairing mechanical things.


"Amie Doe" was born as Lucille Ring, a genius girl from Orre. Lucille was crafting her own Pokeballs by the age of eight, visiting Kanto to study with Bill, and gradually traveling around the world to master their technologies. When she was sixteen, Lucille was offered a job at a Pokemon Research Facility. She originally thought that she was creating devices in order to help safely capture strong Pokemon... But as Lucille looked more into the facility's work, she realized it was more than that. She was creating devices to control Legendary Pokemon.

She began realizing that she was working with an overall evil organization. They weren't just capturing Legendaries, but torturing Pokemon through "Shadow" and "Distortion" experiments. Lucille's work with aura related devices had contributed to all of these evil practices.

But she had been there for two years when she realized this. Lucille knew she couldn't just take her research. What she did know was that she could get it to someone with the power to reverse it. So Amie stole a Snag Machine, copied all of the organization's data on to a drive, and then fled Orre. What she was not counting on was how quickly they caught up with her... and how violently they set out to silence her. The boat she took to Alola sunk en route. All of the other passengers were rescued, but Lucille never surfaced. She was dragged under by a Tentacruel, owned by a member of her organization, with the intention of drowning her.

At the last minute, Amie was rescued by a wild Lapras. She woke up on a beach on MeleMele Island... with no memory of who she was or what she had been doing. All she had was her snag machine in its case, and a severely damaged drive of data. For three months, Amie stayed at the Pokemon Center and was under Nurse Joy's care. She decided that she wanted to give Nursing a try, so applied to take a Nurse's Trial around Alola. Along the way, Amie hopes to find her memories and her place in the world.




the audino • starter pokemon
Amie's starter Pokemon is Mary. Technically, she received Mary from the Pokemon Center. Mary's job is to monitor Amie's health and make sure she doesn't have any negative after effects from her amnesia. Mary, however, is more interested in adventures and wants to leave MeleMele island.


the lapras • page ride
The Lapras that saved Amie from drowning. Aomi belongs to another trainer named Yoshiya, but is fond enough of Amie to help her out. Whenever Amie needs to go somewhere via surf, she can call for Aomi's help. She doesn't have any desire to use the PokeMama for battle, but instead leaves Aomi's training to her proper trainer.


relationship • song
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