


4 years, 6 months ago


Exchange Student


Chaotic • Excitable • Emotional • Affectionate

Lola's is one of the human exchange students chosen for the exchange program in Devildom.

Despite not really getting a choice in deciding to do this, Lola really does find Devildom extremely interesting and loves being there. Though part of that might be due to the fact she's a huge horror nerd. Really the only thing that could make it better is if she could actually have magic powers she awakens, but for now, making pacts with demons would have to be enough. Not like it stops her from poking her nose into everything anyway.


  • Music
  • Animals (esp. Dogs & Snakes)
  • Fashion
  • The Horror Genre


  • Spicy Foods
  • Loud Noises
  • Storms
  • Being Alone
"Please, would you tell me your story?"


Lola has a really bad tendency to act before she thinks, which usually leads her to get into many problems. Though even then, she tries her best to get through out, a lot of times comparing the things that's happened to horror movies she's seen - but it's hard to say it's for fun or if it's a coping mechanism to act like this is nothing more than fiction. Which leads to the fact she does have bad anxiety and panic attacks, though it acts up most when she's around loud noises (storms especially), and when she's left alone, even more so if she's not feeling good or if she's in the dark.

She gets really clingy and cuddly, and will pretty much grab onto anyone she trusts nearby if she needs to. Even if not feeling anxious, she's just a very affectionate person. She does also admittedly cry very easily, whether it be out of sadness or happiness. In general, her emotions do very easily get the best of her - which is another reason why she tends to act before she thinks more often than not. She does get excited easily as well, quick to jump up and start going on about things she loves - whether it be because she sees something pertaining to it or someone brings it up.


• Has very long hair that is mostly blue, but has a streak of silver on each side of her head in the front.

• Bright green eyes, along with glasses she wears about half of the time.

• She is very short. Like 5'1 short.

• Has a preference for wearing skirts and dresses rather than pants.

• Doesn't always wear her hair in a ponytail. It depends on her mood.


• She has a pet dog she named Aki.

• Her eyesight isn't extremely bad so she doesn't always have to wear glasses.

• She has an older sister but the two aren't very close.

• She spaces out a lot, and sometimes will just start humming or singing without thinking.

• If given the chance she'll just go out and buy a bunch of plushies/stuffed animals and then surrounded herself with them for comfort.

• Is she shipped with Mammon? Belphegor? Leviathan? Who knows.




She loves hanging out with Mammon, and honestly annoying him a bit. Considers him a good friend and where she does tease him here and there, she also feels bad about the comments others make towards him so she does have a habit of complimenting him a lot.



Ever since coming across Belphegor locked up, she does her best to sneak up and keep him company when she can. She does feel rather bad for him and wants to assist him as much as she can, and even might have a small bit of an attachment to him now.



Thinks of Luke as a close friend and has a strong need to protect him. Would quite frankly refer to him as her son if she didn't worry it would upset him. Views him as one of the few people she can definitely put her trust in - aside from Olivia of course.



Her best friend who she considers to be her twin, you'll pretty much always find her with Olivia. She informs her about everything going on and considers Olivia the one person she can trust with her whole heart. Though she does tend to tease her quite a bit, admitedlly.



At first Lola and Levi don't really get along. A near endless cycle of her calling him a weeb and him calling her a normie. Though after the pact is made things do start to get better and they actually realize they have a fair amount of things in common!



Lola considers Beel a good friend as well. She wants to help him with the Belphegor situation, and she does feel really sad for him. Does her best to make sure he's happy and will sometimes cook for him if asked - even if she can only really make sweets.



Though they do have a shared interest in fashion and use that to interact a bit much before this,her and Asmodeus don't really get close until after the pact is made - to which then he pretty much never leaves her side. She enjoys the attention though.

HTML by lowkeywicked