Emilia (Emilia (A-O))



4 years, 5 months ago



Number: 104
Rank: 3
Type: Earth
Handler: Esme

House: Jade Orchid
Root: Spider (Redback Spider)

Age: 13
Gender: female
Height: 147cm



  • generous
  • thoughtful
  • hopeful (even if you did something bad, she wants to keep seeing the good in you)
  • modest
  • petty (whatever bad you've done to her, she'll pay you back double, then all is good)
  • sadistic (not to the extent that she intentionally hurts others for joy but just seeing or hearing of other people's pain makes her smile/laugh– dark humor is the best (she knows it's a fault of hers but can't help it))
  • affectionate (any sign of kindness can make her fall in love... however, beware, it's actually just her instinct to eat)
  • emotionally detached in certain situations (such as stressful ones)


Ever heard of a petting zoo? How about a petting zoo with hybrids? Then welcome to the facility! There were many attractions, most of whom you could interact with; from cute wallaby to dingo to dangerous species such as the box jellyfish and the redback spider.

To keep them cute, no attraction older than 12 was displayed.

Emilia doesn't have any memories of being anywhere outside the facility when she was young. And she was one of the rare ones who liked the facility and didn't think of escaping. She liked everyone, including some of the staff, and parting with them was unimaginable.

However, a pair of hybrids did escape and the facility suffered from the commotion it had caused. The facility eventually had to close down and sold the hybrids on a market.

Within that one year before arriving to the government, she had met many people who called themselves her "parents" or "owners", but all failed to raise and/or keep her.

idk anything about jorchids yet

  • Natural Ability: Venomous bite (the effects are more extreme than a normal redback spider bite due to the difference in dosis)
  • R2:
    • Lorem Ipsum
  • R3:
    • Lorem Ipsum: Lorem Ipsum
  • R4:
    • Lorem Ipsum: Lorem Ipsum


  • any handiwork that involves thread and/or yarn
  • everyone from the facility


  • Doctors, needles, injections
  • people entering her territory without permission


  • Emilia is immune to her own venom but not that of other redback spider hybrids and the spiders themselves
  • has a habit of biting her lips when stressed or bored
  • hence her saliva contains a bit of venom – if it gets in contact with a wound you will feel it stinging and tingling; if it gets directly into your body via mouth, headache, possible nausea and a very upset stomach
  • eating whatever she has put in her mouth before can be fatal and she usually warns everyone by wearing a sign that says "my food is poisoned"
  • she has to wear one of those pet cones when she has to visit a doctor
  • may or may not have gotten a taste of human flesh...
  • Don’t touch any of her eyes
  • Her vision is completely different than what you can see with 2 eyes – she won't understand anything with mere visual descriptions