


4 years, 4 months ago



Name Arzor Dranerot
Height Any, usually very tall
Age Unknown
Gender Genderless, prefers he/him
Species Unknown Deity
Role Immortal Death Lord
Created November 14. 2017.
He be Vibin'


“Everything is more complicated than you think, you only see a tenth of what is true. There are a million little strings attached to every choice you make, you can destroy your life every time you choose. But maybe you won't know for twenty years, and you'll never ever trace it to its source. And you only get one chance to play it out. Even though the world goes on for eons and eons, you are here for a fraction of a fraction of a second. And so you spend your time in regret or hope for something good to come along. Something to make you feel connected, to make you feel whole, to make you feel loved. You have struggled into existence, and will be slipping silently out of it. This is everyone's experience. Every single one. It is time for you to understand this. Now you are here. Now you are gone. So make the best of it. But remember, you are not alone in life you live, your actions affect others living in it too. You matter in a way you might not know. You matter."

[source: Synecdoche, NY]


Nah he is not a bad guy, he just collects souls of the really bad/evil ones after they die; good souls he leads to the afterlife. Anything in-between? He will give those souls a chance to prove themselves worthy of a good afterlife or will lead them to a place more fitting of them, it ain't as simple as black and white ya know.

  • He is one of the most important lords in his universe, just like Angel Lord.
  • AGE: Old as the universe he lives in.
  • Can shape-shift into: Amorphous mass of darkness, butterfly, terror bird, souloid and oak
  • His body is non-physical, you can see it but not touch/feel it. Unless he makes it physical for a moment.
  • Cannot be ended
  • Can be in multiple places at once
  • He never messes with minds and souls of others/living ones even tho he easily can
  • Arms from coat? Not his, but of the bad souls he collected, he can control them as if they are his. Tho he can appear his own arms too which are pure black
  • Never attacks or kills anyone, but puts bad souls into not so fun dimension he can access in his coat
  • If he ever wanted to kill, he would be able to reduce you to atoms in a millisecond.
  • He sometimes appears on places where someone will die
  • Mostly turns into a black butterfly after someone good dies so he can lead them to afterlife
  • Butterfly represents Ease and Freedom of soul

I am the end

  • Rarely talks, never raises his deep voice
  • Never shows anger
  • Quite charming, eerie charm
  • Time for him goes by faster
  • Intelligent, honest, decisive, incisive and invulnerable
  • Very rarely he comes to talk with other Lords (mostly KALILA) and is being very friendly with anyone
  • He is very enigmatic, hides a lot of things for the sake of not interrupting how things are already going in the world
  • Some don't believe he exists bcuz of how extremely rare it is to see him for the living ones.
  • Likes: Creating ambient noises, traveling and seeing many nature/creature types around the world. When in souloid form, likes to for a short time try out instruments, writing, cooking, drawing and bla bla

But death grows with you until it reigns on alone

  • When he doesn't do his job, he just kind of disappears, isn't in the world anymore but chilling in his own dimension.
  • Can know a whole person's life n personality just by looking at them, all souls are like books to him.
  • Gives second chances to someone he knows never got it but deserved it.
  • His face is like a reflection of all the bad/corrupt souls he keeps, their aura distorted it, but at least he can shape-shift to make it look different.
  • Only souls he doesn't collect or help out are angel ones, because those go directly to Angel Lord after death.
  • He knows all of the future and undiscovered parts of the world but is not revealing them to ANYONE because he thinks revealing the future and things others don't know about is not right, he knows they themselves will discover them in right time, or are destined to never discover them. He doesn't wanna interrupt anyones fate/destiny.



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