

4 years, 5 months ago



Flightless Bird

territory witch ⚬ 19 ⚬ deceased

The witch who carries Natsuhi’s dark feelings of imprisonment, sealed away in her diary. Because she is a manifest of Natsuhi at the time she was robbed of freedom, this witch appears young.

She embodies the resolve to escape the Ushiromiya house at any cost, and carries out the Rokkenjima killings to that end.

Despite her bombastic demeanor, the tragedy of her existence should not be overlooked. Even in her most vibrant hour, she is nothing more than a pawn; an illusion of the Human side, designed to be cut down and trampled.

How fleeting a happiness, never even knowing the well she was at the bottom of...

Name Nᴀᴛsᴜʜɪ Alias Erika's Theory of EP5
Age 19 Pronouns she/her
Class Territory Witch Compendium Flight
Species Witch Role Farce
Status Deceased Theme TOY BOX
Likes winning Dislikes the family
the island

Friendly Reserved

Polite Sassy

Serious Immature

Sensitive Tough

Brave Timid

Cautious Impulsive

Hopeful Pessimistic

Sincere Deceptive

Organized Messy

Diligent Lazy


Vessel: Diary
Titles: Apprentice Witch, Witch of Flight
Sponsor: Lady Bernkastel
Status: Deceased


She always smiles.

On her chest, over her heart, is a vicious scar in the shape of the one-winged eagle.

She begins the game more cautious, but the rush of it all gets to her head and she starts power-tripping big time.


Attack [ Good ]
Defense [ Good ]
Magic [ Average ]
Resistance [ Average ]
Agility [ Average ]
Accuracy [ Poor ]
Stamina [ Poor ]
Luck [ Average ]

Skill: trickster
She specializes in tricks and elaborate layouts that leaves one groveling before her.

Skill: power trip
She enjoys terrorizing others and feels justified in everything she does.

Skill: frenzy Ω
Has an intense manic effect on weaker creatures in her vicinity, which compels them to behave irrationally. Because it is extremely difficult to think clearly in Flightless Bird's presence, defeating her in a game of logic is a challenge.

Flaw: simple
Though her manic effects make it difficult, her puzzles are reasonably easy to overcome.

Flaw: grandstander
She is immature, and may make fatal errors as she grows increasingly cocky.

Flaw: annoying
Her laugh is super annoying.



Flightless Bird's existence was spun out of evidence uncovered in old diaries. The contents were meant to be recorded and forgotten, left behind in books rather than the mind; unfortunately, the nosy Detective knows how to break a lock.

This Witch was conjured to frame and fell. She was not meant to have a solid existence. Indeed, she is the personification of a fiction; a fake. However, that fact does not make her any less powerful. In this regard, she is a similar figure to Black Battler.

Unlike Black Battler, however, she is a puppet; she plays to please her master, even without knowing it herself. She acts according to the Detective's plan, preparing her own self for butchery.


After being brought to life via her vessel, the diary, Flightless Bird begins her rampage. She enjoys the thrill of orchestrating the massacre, and quickly goes mad with power, becoming arrogant and cocky.

Because of her immaturity and flawed play, she is easily cornered by the Detective.


It was easy enough for the Detective to kill Flightless Bird; after all, the Detective herself held the key to her very existence. However, what the Detective had not foreseen was the elder Mercy Killer's appearance.

Disgusted by the farce, Mercy Killer executes the Detective and then destroys every last remaining trace of Flightless Bird's existence. With no fondness for this illusory puppet, Mercy Killer ensures this young Witch will never be remembered. Indeed, Mercy Killer herself wishes to forget.

After everything she did to create Flightless Bird, the Detective made one fatal mistake: she confronted her creation alone.