Basic Info

Full Name:

Steel Vengeance

Responds To:

SteVe, Vengeance, SV (basically any nickname used by humans for the coaster is fine)




Heteromantic Asexual

Age(As Coaster):


Age(As Humanoid):


Human Alias:

Steven Vaughan



Height(As Humanoid):



New Texas Giant(Half-Sibling)

Date of Birth/Opening:

May 5th, 2018

Date of Death/Closure:


Location in Park:



Rocky Mountain Construction(aka RMC)

Coaster Track/Structrure Type:

Hybrid(Wooden Structure)

Owner Of Coaster Being Personified:

Cedar Point, Cedar Fair, Rocky Mountain Construction, and Alan Schilke


As soon as Mean Streak realized his coaster was being RMC’d, he became determined to reinvent himself and “bury” his past life. While he’ll answer to any nickname that the humans use for his coaster and the name of the coaster itself, he prefers “SteVe” as his given name. Because his coaster was suddenly thrust into the spotlight after years of being ignored, SteVe is quite anxious(even if it’s not apparent just by looking at him)and worries about his reputation among other Coasterdroids(especially because his past left a black mark on it). There are times where SteVe feels like he is always being watched/judged because of his coaster’s reputation(which doesn't help when he overhears humans talking about his coaster). Additionally, SteVe has little tolerance for people who obsess over his coaster/only want to be around him bcs of his coaster's reputation; acting like a fanboy will just piss him off. As a result of this, SteVe has quite an abrasive personality and often struggles to connect with other Coasterdroids. He is socially inept/awkward due to living a mostly-isolated life and more often than not is sitting in the corner of a room by himself, simply observing his peers as he wishes that he could just speak to them “normally”. SteVe has a very cynical and pessimistic view of the world, which can be attributed to his less than stellar past(something that few Coasterdroids are really aware of and is only exposed to on a surface level, which can and does scare some off). Additionally, his responses are often snarky, blunt, or “sharp”,(which can and has been misinterpreted as SteVe being an asshole when sometimes that wasn’t the case). Occasionally he does slip back into his old behaviors, though he’s better at catching himself when they occur(even if he does beat himself into the ground about it). His past is a major sore spot for him; trying to talk about it will make him agitated/upset(and has tried to destroy/hide as much(physical)evidence of his past as he can). However, he still secretly relishes in appearing intimidating to/scaring others and(fittingly)likes to indulge in his vengeful thoughts every once and a while(which are mostly focused on Maverick). SteVe had lost his ability to create lightning/storm clouds once he re-opened, leaving him without any special powers(at least, not to his knowledge). Instead of using any powers, SteVe defends himself using the gun and sledgehammer attached to his belt alongside his fists. Because his coaster has an abundance of airtime, SteVe can jump higher than most Coasterdroids(with the added bonus of the impact of his fall potentially causing damage to what or whoever he lands on). SteVe’s also pretty quick on his feet, something that can be attributed to his coaster’s excellent pacing. SteVe considers himself a bit of a “foodie” cooking(and eating)a variety of dishes; though his favorite food will always be anything Barbeque, Mac and Cheese, and Brownies. He also likes to keep snacks under his hat, a hat that SteVe is very protective of; trying to take/mess with his hat is guaranteed to piss him off/upset him. SteVe is not too fond of Intamins, considering most of them to be arrogant and judgemental(especially concerning Blitz-model coasters). He can’t stand being around other Dinn woodies as they remind him too much of his past, especially Thunder Run(bcs he’s considered to be “the best/only good Dinn”(who actually was re-tracked by RMC, unknowingly to SteVe)). Concerning his relationships with the rest of the Coasterdroids at CP, SteVe has yet to really connect with any of them post-conversion. The only Coasterdroid he has constant interactions with at CP is with Maverick; However, the two have an intense rivalry and neither of them is willing to admit defeat. Maverick continues to try and emotionally manipulate SteVe in addition to physically harming him. SteVe himself is no better; he returns the hateful comments and physical harm to Maverick. Concerning his relationships with the RMC conversions, he has the best relationship with his half-brother and the first RMC conversion, New Texas Giant. SteVe will “loosen up” when he’s around Tex and even visits SFOT every year for the holidays. With the rest of the RMC conversion lineup, he sympathizes with Iron Rattler the most, as both of them were infamously bad wooden coasters. Twisted Cyclone’s story also resonated with him, as they were another former Dinn Woodie. Additionally, he doesn't mind speaking to Zadra as they had no awareness of SteVe’s past as Mean Streak. He has the weakest connection with Twisted Colossus, as SteVe clashes with TC’s personality and personally believes that their coaster didn’t deserve the conversion. Additionally, SteVe fears that Iron Gwazi will look down upon him and use the hype surrounding their coaster to dismiss or mock SteVe (which, fortunately for him, didn’t happen when IG (eventually) did open-- but the two aren’t best buddies or anything). While he was once nothing more than a pathetic drunk, SteVe is determined to change for the better. Unpredictable, quick on his feet, and tall, SteVe is truly a “jack of all trades”!