Jayden Kisaragi



7 years, 8 months ago


"No I don't have a catnip addiction. Stop asking."

Making deals that offer yourself up for the sake of others is usually seen as stupid. Well Jayden will wear 'stupid' proudly on his chest if that means his brother remains safe.

Positive Traits

  • Quietly Humble
  • Insightful
  • Way too patient

Jayden is a quieter kind of guy. He can be a bit embaressed when he does get excited so he often tries to remain stoic.

Negative Traits

  • Dry
  • Overly neutral
  • Self conscious

He will often play more of a 'devil's advocate' and will not offer much of an opinion, even if he disagrees.


Introvert Extrovert

Sensing Intuition

Thinking Feeling

Judging Perceiving


  • He often carries a small handgun on him
  • Will get the zoomies at 2am and run down the hall
  • Will refuse to wear shoes and continues to fight on that
  • Sometimes will "groom" himself like a cat before realizing
  • Has two moms. One was his dad's wife and the other was his mistress. They got married
  • Works as a sniper and enjoys how quiet it is

Built // Warm // Fuzzy

Jayden has short brown hair. Half of it is a darker tone while the lighter side has dark stripes. His skin is a paler tan with brown markings similar to how a hairless cat would look. His eyes are a light blue.

distinguishing features

  • Human and cat eats
  • Brown markings on the back of his body and down his arms and legs
  • Fur on his wrists and ankles

design notes

  • The inner ear fur is the same as his chest fur
  • Nails are long and pained black for protection
  • Never put shoes on him




»significant events

Event: Jayden's father was found out to be cheating on two women. Said women ended up getting married.

Event: His father hired someone to kill his mom, which in turn ended up killing his step mother and half brother too.

Event: Jayden makes a deal with an entity and now works with Nadia.


Event: Jayden was born to his father and mother. His mom was a human and his dad was a catsune (like a kitsune but cat).

Event: His mother was the one who primarily raised him. His dad was seen more as the "fun parent".

Event: It was rare that his father was home.


Event: His mother found out his father was cheating on her with another woman. She soon realized she was the mistress to their marriage and told the other woman. The two of them became friends despite this.

Event: Jayden and his mom moved in with his half brother his mom. The four of them got along well and both woman ended up getting married to eachother. Jayden was incredibly close to his brother Oliver.

Event: Jayden still often visited his father. His father often tried to use him to try and get back to Oliver's mother.


Event: His father ordered a hitman to kill his mother. During that a fight broke out and both of his moms and brother ended up dying.

Event: Jayden killed his father. He had no magical abilities like his brother did and ended up borrowing another's power to bring his brother back to life.

Event: In the end Jayden ended up working for this entity in exchange. His brother has no memories of him and lives a normal life while Jayden works as a hitman himself. Currently he works with Nadia as well since she keeps mroe steady work.



"He's fun."

Jayden and Digi have an intimate friendship. Digi often hangs off of him and strangly Jayden doesn't mind.


"I hope you are doing well."

Oliver is Jayden's half brother. He often keeps an eye on him from a distance but doesn't want to disrupt his life.




The two of them are coworkers. Not much else tends to happen.



She knows what she's doing and that's about it. He doesn't have much of an opinion on her.



"I enjoy her company."

He often find himself in her library. The two of them will quietly read books together. They have built a bond and trust over learning about eachother by comparing themselves to characters in said books.



Jayden is incredibly curious about her. He wants to ask her about otherworldly entities but has a hard time catching her on her own.

class sub-class




Skill Name

Something here (short)

Insert information about the skill here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

Skill Name

Something here (short)

Insert information about the skill here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

Skill Name

Something here (short)

Insert information about the skill here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.


Age 25
Birthday June 6th
Alignment True Neutral
Species Cat-Boy
Gender Male
Orientation Pansexual
Motivation Oliver
Mental State
Fears Helplessness
  • Emotion through tail
  • Unmoving Gaze
  • No audible breaths
  • Very still
Height 5'10"
Build Muscular
Eyes Blue
Hair Brown
Complexion Pale
Voice Quiet
Education Educated
Religion Unsure
Career Hitman
Language English, French
Pacifist Aggressor
Defense Offense
Magic Melee
Code by equasia24