


4 years, 4 months ago


#2D1F1E , #8F2C26 , #1D2452 , #99E6FA

Name: Terrosemon (Terros)
Pronouns: he/him/it/its
Species: Vulpekin (Dire)
Height: 7'2"
Age: unsure (somewhere in the thousands)
 Sexuality:  likely demisexual + demiromantic

A wandering spirit

  • woke up in a temple one day, uncertain of who/what/where he was
  • he understood his name was Terrosemon, which was also the name of an ancient sigil from this world that meant 'Great Terror'
  • he could comprehend language, although the meanings of many words weren't available to him immediately
  • and he was disturbed with an overwhelming sense of guilt and curiosity
  • Terros travels his world to learn about how it works, and perhaps to find out the origins of this 'Terrosemon' 
  • He is extremely kind and selfless
    • He's accidentally built up quite the reputation for being so giving, offering his services to those who are in need
    • He's respectful and well-worded, and only lets his curiosity slip if invited to do so
    • Although, he's known to only stay for so long; eventually he vanishes without a trace of him having been there at all, leaving those associated with him behind as though their problems had been mysteriously solved overnight
    • This has earned him the rumor of being a spirit of good luck, and many pray to be visited by him (or intend to capture him)
  • He doesn't speak about himself much, and struggles anyway to find anything factual about himself
  • He never stays in one place too long for fear of becoming a burden
    • The guilt he has within himself can be kept at bay as long as he's moving
  • never accepts help, gifts, or favors: you will never find him in anyone's debt
  • he really, really likes flowers

Who is Terrosemon?
  • previously, Terrosemon had been a raging spirit of chaos that wreaked havoc in its path
  • A furious, red tailed beast that scorched whole kingdoms and empires in blue flame
  • It had been defeated by five beings, five pillars of magic that sacrificed themselves to lock away chaos for 100 years
  • 100 years have since passed, and Terrosemon wakes, but in new form
  • With his chaos defeated, he's left without memory of the terror he had once swept across the lands
  • But he will remain stuck with this sourceless guilt for acts of chaos he will never remember committing