


4 years, 4 months ago


Profile art is done by Mawminds on Instagram

Ulanova is a gray Drikaari with a darker gray mane, sometimes depicted with a greenish tint to it when he is soaked in his own acid. He has four eyes, two big ones in the usual eye spot and two smaller ones lower down. They are completely green and have no pupil or sclera. He has skin that cover his lower canines on either side of his jaw and his mouth is constantly dripping with acid. His mane runs down his back all the way to the base of a large, fluffy tail. He has three slits in his side that constantly drip a neon green acid. He has dark ‘stocking’ markings on his paws, the ones on his front paws coming up to his elbows. His ears are pointed like that of a German shepherds, and I have no idea why people keep drawing them rounded. He also does NOT have dark gray floofs on his cheeks.

Nova is a kind and gentle, especially for a carnivore of his status. He wishes to befriend everything larger than a rabbit, but finds that many are scared off by his physical characteristics and tendency to destroy things with acidic drool. He is a skilled hunter, and well able to care for himself and his pack.