
4 years, 4 months ago


Raza X


Name Raza
Called Raza X
Age 29
Gender Female
Species Bat, but now she's half robot. Now she's a ROBAT
Height 5'6
Sexuality Hetero and Asexual
Relationship Status Single
Occupation Bounty Hunter

Personality: She's known for being emotionless and a lone wolf. But she actually does have feelings, she just doesn't like to show emotion in any way. She sees it as a sign of weakness. And has a secret soft spot for romance and love, but she just never has time for that stuff.


  • She has been a bounty hunter since she was 20.
  • She became robotic after an explosion that almost killed her when she was 26. She was chasing after one of the most dangerous criminals, Ivy Covett. When she was leaded into a trap, and the warehouse exploded. The hospital got her stable, but she lost her limps, her wings burnt, and the left half of her face were damaged. A well known scientist named Vortex, built her new arms, legs, and wings. And he helped repair the left half of her face. Now she wants to being Ivy to justice, once and for all!
  • Her name is Raza, but now since she's now half robot. She goes by Raza X. She likes that it sounds EDGY AF.



Scientist Vortex [ Co-Worker/Friend? ]

I woke up out of being knocked out, and apparently this guy saved me. I'm grateful for it, but I'm not 100% sure I can trust him


Ivy Covett [ Enemies ]

I WILL find u! And put u behind bars, AT ALL COSTS!!