Wade Jenkins



4 years, 6 months ago


Wade Jenkins
Nickname Wade, Wierdo, Pinky
Gender Male
Pronouns He/him
Age 24
Birthday 6th of March
Voice Spektrem
Theme Miles Above you-Spektrem
Species Half Dragon/Human
Height 5'8"(1m76)
Orientation Pansexual
Occupation Street Singer
Home ??
R.status Taken
L.status Alive

Born in a rather high mannered family, Wade was raised in the most rough and strictest ways to make him a proper man, even homeschooled, and was often isolated in his room from others as punishment for being "unproper" which caused for Wade to developped Monophobia. Years passed and he was about to give in to the "Proper man" role until he heard..singing ? Right outside his house was a couple singing together in the streets, Wade was mesmerised..He wanted to sing too but one problem..his parents would not approve of it if he asked them for singing lessons. So he practised his singing by himself in secret, while his family was away and turns out that after years of practise, he was actually gifted with a strong and melodious voice ! Then came the day of his 18th birthday, everything was fine..until his mom told him he was set up in an arranged wedding with a girl of high society, Wade finally had enough of his "family" deciding his life for him; He had plan for a while to ran away from home if things were getting to hard to handle, so he moved away immediatly to an apartment far away from this "hell" and never contacted them since then..He became a Street Singer a few months after leaving and it was quite a successful debut of career and he made alot of money thanks to his singing talent.

At 20 years old, during one of his performances in a cafe, he met a woman named Roxanne, she was..special to say the least, quite the "clingy" type, but she was cool so after a few weeks, Wade decided to give the both of them a chance at dating...What an horrible mistake that was, Roxanne was way more clingy and controlling than he thought, she was constantly with him, always telling him what he should do..let's say it bringed back some bad memories..The last straw for him was one year later when Roxanne wanted..no..she DEMANDED that they get married..He broke up with her a few hours later. Never saw her again..for now..

As for today, Wade is now 24 years old, has an amazing hobbit/job as a street singer and made trustful friends~! He also met his Soulmate by chance..they are happily together.

"Let's get funky, my dude~!"
  • Pizza Rolls
  • Singing
  • His Soulmate
  • has Monophobia(fear of being alone).
  • start singing randomly.
  • Acts crazy sometimes, but sweet guy.
  • His family.
  • Being alone..
  • people making choices for him.
Jesse Warren (Spektrem) - Miles Above You
AJR - I'm Not Famous
AJR - 100 Bad Days
Panic! At The Disco - High Hopes

Wade is social and funny to be around, he enjoys company alot more than you think and is the most loyal friend you could ever have. Becoming his friend is really easy, especially if you love music like him~!

But of course, his negative traits have to be him being brutally honest with others which can cause problems..And his stubborn/rebel side that makes him impossible to reasonate with.

Design Notes
  • Has a dragon tail, but shows it rarely.
  • Markings on his face aren't optional, those are "birthmarks"
  • Wings can disappear, but he enjoys having them out.