


4 years, 9 months ago


Name: Almas
Gender/sex; Female
Species; Liger
Status; Deceased
Theme: Cut my Hair
Almas was born into the world of 'exotic' pet trade, almost immediately seperated from her mother in order to be used for 'Pay to play/take a photo' setups in shops. The people who raised her there lied and spoke of how the money payed would go to their animals and sanctuaries- but even young Almas knew how big of a lie that was.
Once Almas had grown too much to be 'cute' anymore, her owners sold her to a family as a 'pet.' This family soon realized how hard it was to care for  a big cat- and got her declawed.
Only a few years later did they sell her to another person, and so the cycle begun.
Spend a year or two with one family, before getting sold to another.
Almas grew sick over the years from all the transport, bad food, dirty and cramped cages.
Her final family  sold her to a trophy hunter- not knowing what to do with a weak and sickly big cat, where she was pushed into yet another cage and shot - her pelt used as a prize to the hunter.
Almas now exists as a cursed ghost, working to comfort other large and wild cats in abusive situations.
